Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 47, 15 March 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

' By ALBEKT KIĒKOA Jj. The Kameliamoha School Band wus recently granted a pieme Lo be held on March 25. Through thc of several boys, Dr. Honier F. Barnes, principal-in-charge of the Kamehameha Scliools, eonsente(i to the pienie, and said that the band metnbers havc deserved this occasion through thcjr dctermincd c£forts during Uie paal n;untlis to provide muslc for the scfio9l haUalion The band has hcld i'egular practices during work and drill perlod& atid has provea to be an outstanding organization of the eehool. Members of the aeliool band including its officers are Earl Robinson and William Stew.art, cadet officers in charge, Nelson Ahina, Joshua Akana, Fletchfer Aleong, Kenneth Batong, William ! JBell } Reginald Carter, Henry. Chai. I George Choy, Abraham Cockett, Eric Crabbe, David Fontaine, Kenneth Gouv^ia t William Haina, Ednrund Hohu, Owen Holt, Henry Jay, Kinney Kama, Elmer Kauetd, Horace Kanao, Clifford Kekauo-

ha, Paul Kekoa, Albert' Kekoa, George Kekoolani, Edwin Kellett, Rayner Kinn«y, "Seorgc Leong, Howard Martinscij, Eobert Moore., Moses Paiaina* ; ,Joseph Francis W*arner, William Wright and Tinhu Ypung ~

JUNIOII-SEMOII PROM By ELMEB KENEXA The junior-senior prom, given at the K.S.B. dinning hall, on February 19, had as its guests, all the seniois of both schools. The ihepie was "2vīodernia" and thc prchaestra was placed in the ce.nter of two white ramps of different sizes, with the words '.'Modcrnia" flashing off and on at the top. There was a modern painting of buildings and skyscrapers at the back of this jieon sign and the ramp was fringcd with navy blue cloth. In the middle of the hall was a huge silk hat, Wne and gloves, with two. large flower arrangements around the two side cxits. A large abstract painting was on one wall and small flower arrangements were placed at different sections of the hall Fernandez. president of the K.S,G, junior cl-ass and William Stewart, president of the K.S.B. high-eleventh class, were complimented for the gre a t amount of work they aeoomplished. Mr. Milton E. Ballengee and Mr. Donald D. Mitchell were the faculty advisers. President of the girls aehool sophomore class, Shirley Birch, and Duj vauchelle, president of the boys' j school low-eleventli class were tlie | invited guests of the juniors and j faculty from both schools attended this formal affair. Chairmen of the decoration3 were Hannah Will, Milwarde Cooper and George Choy. Aliee Ignaeio anel Randolph Monte were in charge of the entertainment. I The food c"nairmen were Myrtle[mae Prendergast and Henry Lu- | kela, with a number of assistajits. f The puneh girls were Frances Ciiuig, Robertawinn Apaka, Leinaala Holt, Anua Eagles, Geraldi iue Robinson, Harriet Ellis, and Piikea Judd. Elmer Kaneta, Lucas Kekuna, Paul Brede, Thomas Lalakea, Clarence Tyau, Ezra Kanoho and John Kakaio vvere puiieh boys. Moses Paiaina was in charge oi tlie iiiviLations, wiUi Heiiry Chai and Verna Amoka liim. Kaloula S.harpe aiul Sliernuui Thoiupsou took charge of Uie' elean-up, witli &11 Uie juiiiors aiding thein.

By KENNETII liOl > EIA Mrs. Williani BeU, Mr. anei Mrs, Ilima Naoae and Mr> Clareiiee Lua «nt.ertaiued Uie aeliool for bt>ys with a program of Ha- } wmiaii musio and spcoialties at a KLamohameha sclxool i'or boys' ass«ittiblji\ Th« highlig;hts of the progrtun ! wene foc«sed on Mr. Lua's dog | "King," He is U\e onUv dog ! known to be able to danoo the hulß, As &n addiNl attraction Mr. Lua diS}>k\ v vod his p h y s i e a 1 atrt>W£th by iifting a fw> t>ound bikg of su|rar \vito his twth. th* x acts. H»\vsiiA>> songs \wve sung by tht? rvst ot tho ont*?rtaincrs, Mr. Naono vvas for tinv o »V;embor of tiio Ro3«il Haw-aiian Band. They arc rw*\v ontortaining tho soldioi-s at ITSO sho\vs, i T!io Bolls and Xaoncs have ohitdrvn attondu\& tho Ka:ticha-' moha Sohoots. j li N \ RFTIY VIM Mona ;\i, ,}vmiot s tehu, Kau, HawaīU \vas tvccuU> {

: <»lectoU prosu3ont of Hui Holoinua, i Mw Konim club, at the KanU'hanu'ha Sdmol f«r Girls. ©the? officers are Gladys Good, presidpnt and pri)grafn chair« man; Miriam Crabbe, Librarian; and Martha Fernandisz, initiation cnairman. The retiring officcrs iare Gsmeve Andrews, president; L»aura Sabey, \ice j)resident and progxārn chairman. Serving ās Forum club adyiser is JMrs. Ula ] Shfeecha, social scienbe ,instructor |at the school for girls.

Hui Hol'omua has selectcd new members on the bāsi's of work in hiStoi*y class and participation in Forum discussions, Tlīe new members are Helleakala Waiau, Elizabeth ' Kauka, Milwarde Cooper, Ireno Loo, Betty Lou ehan?', juniars; and ! Julia Stewart, Anna Eagies, ftose Akana, Shlrley Brich, Haleakala H#pkins, Patsy Ann Kanahele, Bernice Honda, Phyllis Ann ' Paeheeo and 'Loma Beers, sophomore.

The seniors are not active memt>ers but honorary 'members because of the part-time system. The honorary members are Flora Beamer, VeSta Parker, Muriel Kanahele, lone Rathburn, Gyneve Andrews, Florence ' Akina, Lorraine Hamby,' Marian Lake and Laura Sabcy. 1

Miriam Crabbe, Lorraine Hamby, Rose Akana, aiW Mona Kahalewai are from the Big Isle.


The checker to.urnament held at the Kāmehameha School for Boys ended ' wi£h Walter LoLo of hui Alii in first plaee. 1 Th'us Walter was crowned eheekei* ehampion of the entire school for boys. Woodrow Mos&man/ hui Alii; Gharies Kamaka, hui Eleu; and William Huddy, hui Alii; were the other boys who placed in this contest. Woodrow took second

plaee honors while Charles pla"eed third and William eame in fourth.

[ Points were awarded 'io tho I winning huis. Hui Alii starred in |this tournament as ! it domiaated I 'uw competition ta.ll the way through and placed three men in the finals. Altogeiher" Alii obtaineft* 9 points. Charles Kamaka won 2 points fo rhui Eleu in this contest. Hui Imua and Hui Moi failed to win any points in this tournament, but they are still in the running for the hui championship whieh inciudes the points aeeumulated fro all of the sports played at Kamehameha this school year. By ELIVIER KANEI A The January, February birth-d-ay dinners wcre held on February 2 at the K.S.B. dining hall. Boys were in their <Jress uniforms and a foz-mal retrpat was held before dinner. Invited guests were Miss Antoinette Bardwell, Miss Clair ehapiii, and Miss Laura Brown from K.S.G. Valentine decorati'ons were used on the plaee cards. Tuo 'ooys who were honored guests at ihis siipper are >as follow: Boys whieh have birthdays in January , are William Wright, Alvin Aona, Henry Rogers, Artliur McCabe, William Gasper, Walter Barrett, Arthur | David Pila, Raymorid Aea, Moses Burrows, RandQlph Monte, William frjaui, Paul Chang, Calvin Werner, Horace Ch£j,ng and La\id Fontaine. Bo>s having tlieir birthdays in February were Dewey LUen, Elmer Manlcy, Slierman Thompson, Peter Perkins, Joseph Taitano, Earl Fernand'ez > Clarence Self, Kaiona Akaira. Rayniond Duvauehollo, Nowton Lurbe, Rudolph Andrade. Alva Kamalani. Everott Kinney. Georg:c K. M. Leong, Leonard Woiig, FraneLs Beamer, Henrv Lee. Benry Mi!!s, George Keliipuleole and ArjLhur St. Ger-, main. . ,

|lly WAI.TER V. KOI>ENULKSX | The Kan.enamoha Sctvool for >Boys Athlotic Comniittce + heki a . tmvtin£ reoonUy to discu&s tiic j for tho a\varding- of ; K N ttors to a sUuSent. Tlio Athletic j Connnsttoo n\ombors | Alleu A, B3dloy. Alyin K. Chaivg, 1 Thnmas G. MonntaiiL WiUiam B, ! CsldweH. Arthur J GsUo» and ; Di\ Honioi- F Rhmiosl. Th< k foUo\vinsi mt\iiKwnts for Mtws wtv acxvpt«xi; ,v The emehe'w aiHi soh<.x?l shouM h\ thAt tho \viivnii\g of t» is an a\var*l and not a i rewaixi ft>r ser\-icos rviukr*Hl. It s is Uui duty of liw <N>ach«t» to re-J > letter to sny indivī«,'.aal 1 i who hsis not shown th«? >*ttitud>e, rooporstion. or who has; failed to maitttain tho <k-' BTtv o£ that wt| Uy to at j lix #i\KuUoiv, it sivouW W Uh" pn- 4 vu the vx>aohv>s lo , Mt«mi boy« for who Aiv, *fesorvaag of s\uh bnH for sotno! «*«'oro®iHnt rosisosx vliū not ti«s «cut«l £>k\yin£ v.m<? -' |