Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 48, 21 March 1945 — In The News [ARTICLE]

In The News

| a>AL\ ATtON ARM\' i&KLE I <UAMI»AIiiN i As Uie result of the eīilistment toJ th« e>r&ng«iicai churchos of jM«xtco hy the Salvatson in |« c*mp&i£u of vi- | v;fi'eriiit Scripture por- \ tion tor salc, the sok of Sci ip|tures in Mexico inci«ascd fronx ;m3TO in l&i2 to 1,116,324 ūx |1943, saj-s Bibio Socicls , Rocord. WOMEN CHVBC;iiviOKKS Thc \Yontcn's Hoir.e Coiupaiuoiv,, in a n&tUon&i poll its rc«.dcra, tound tliat 5-0 pei* ccnt of tlic, \vomcit 4>oUod aUcn4 churoU eeguarlj, *0 pcr eeul oee&^onall^

W- ' *♦ —: "\ v "r and 6 per cent never. Ag to the «ffect Uiat w»f had on churcligoing habits, 50 per eenL of _the women said Uiey had no_t, changed, 27 per cent "saM ~ they went to qhurch oftener than be£ore the war, and 23 per cent they went less Qften. A t>reakdown of the answers by age groups Bbowa a conaiderable 'lncrease in church attenda,nce among young women. Thirtyseven per cent of women in the group under twenty-five years old go to church more oftcn than they did before the war.

NEYV ANTI-LIQIJOK . ORGANIZATION 1 * Desirous of presenting a strong and . Urdted church front against the liquor traffic, leaders representing temporance organizationa in twelve states and the District of OolumWa met recently in Chicago Lo lay tlie ground work for a new and inclusive nation-wide organization to be known as the National Temperance Movement iAmong other objectives, the aim jof the organizatron, aa stated w. jthe constitution - adopted at Chicago, are: To voice 'and make ef-

fective the demand of the A'meriean people for , . . a Christiou solution of the beverage aleoiiol pr9blem; to formulate an adequate program cf schōols, "eolileges, uiiiversities, homes, churchles, ; and, other character-building ageneies of the nation.