Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XL, Number 7, 6 June 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehan eha School [ARTICLE]

News From Boys, Girls Kamehan eha School

K\M 81*081* WEL LOSS dv BTAK OJsTAI By Abraha!ii !». ('"»< k«'fl Two years aii-star basketbaU, one ycar all-slar f6otball, high point man in the 1945 Cornell ai|<l Interscho!astic ,track meets . . . *these-are some of the records le£t by v ßarry Ontai„ Kamehamei im'a best a!I-around athlcte, as he graduates. I Halllng from the island of [Maui, Barry entered Kanifhann:ha ■ as an ei£hth gi*ader in 1941. He fjrst »tarted hjl6 participation in varsity comp«titiun as un outstanding guard qn the cage ?e;uii as a. sophomore. Barry in his junic>r year wa 3 a member of two leaniii in intei seholastic competition bf j sides heing liie' Hpa,rk of the junior var3ity football team. ■ . : i During" the past year, Barry has been picked as an al}-star on the football and ba'ketball squads. He i was noted for being" the fastesc cagester on the court. Ās a track- 1 man he placed the cSentury dāsh, Pole-vault, broad-jump and ran on j the crack half-mide , re3ay team. i He was also short'-stop of the : nine composed of seniors and v;as always a dangerous hitter. By «lulia Steuarl

L>ewoy Kim, junior at Roosevelt hiyii ;«,hool, Vii£. elccted. to heael next year's Inter-High Council of at the last ineeLiiig iieiū at MeKinley on May 14. Other offi(.ers ehoaen were Anna Celiz, Farrangton, viceI preaident; Hakakala Hopkina, Kamehai#cha t sccretary; Charlcs Kamaka, Kamehameha, treasurer. Plans for a city-v:ide song fest in Feforuary 1946 summer acUvlti<is for th?» Teen-Age Canteen were discussed at the lasc meeting. The junior members of Ihe eouneil treated the senior mem-nei-3 tu an aloiia luneheon in th.* i | McKinlcy home economics room. '