Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VI, Number 29, 17 July 1908 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Report of īhe Resources and Liabilities of "The Co-Operative Home Purchasing Society" At The Close op Business Juse 30,1908. RrSOUUCES. LUBtLITIES. J JO nns nn Real-Estat«- «096 15 e'apUal paid in $2993 90 Crtsh iiii h.uul 836.75 jSurplus Faml 39.00 WO32.JK)! $3032.90 I, M. \V. TsdmJi, (}osoiemly s«-enr that ihe iowoina: statement is trne to tbe best of my knoMrk'dge aml beli«f. •M. W". TSCHD])I, Ti asure,- 0 f the (Jo Qneraiivc Uonie Purchq>,ing S,,citf^ Hubscnhe(l atid sworn to l»efore tne tliis <)th day ol .Tul>*, 1905., <Seal) P. E. P/ STRAUCH, Xotary P<h k, l,i JwJimtCirc.it