Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 3, 15 January 1909 — The Prophet And His Ass. [ARTICLE]

The Prophet And His Ass.

(From The Al-Koran) I'rom PAOK 1) The prophet Ezra, " riding on an ass by the ruins of Jerusalem after-it had been destroyed by the Chaldeans, doubted in his mind by what means God could raise the City and its irhabitants again; whereupon God caused him to die, and he remamed in that condition one hundred years; at the end of whieh God restored him to life, and he found a of figs and a cruse of wine he had with him not in the least spoiled or Gorrupted; but his ass was dead, the bones only remaimng, and these, while the prophet looked on, were raised and L c!othed with flesh, becommg an ass again, whieh being inspired with life, began immediately to bray." Iri the first Chapter of the history of the Oahu munieipal govemment, both the prophet and his ass are dead, and they must remain so for about 100 years (or days) andat the end of whieh time the Supreme (Judicial) Power will restore the prophet to li£e. He'll be happy. He'll feasr onthe figs and imbibe the contents of the cruse ōf wine. But, alas! the ass ! What of him ? Well' he shal| be restlrrewled again, and clothed with flesh and" hair, remaining alwafs an ass, and because the same Supreme Power shall endow the same beast \vith the breath of life, that the same beast —munieipal Govemment—wīll bray a song— O ka miula ke ha-ha — O ke Kekake ke ho-ho — Ha-ha! Ho-ho!