Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 7, 12 February 1909 — The Star of Bethlehem. [ARTICLE]

The Star of Bethlehem.

Astronomers say that the Star ot Bethlehem will again pay a vist to mother Earth this year. This what we borrowed from Benson, Smith & Co's Hawaiian Calendar (Household Remedies) for this ycar. " Halley's Comet, by some supposed to be the Star «f Bethlehem, will again vtsit us this year. It will be visible to the naked eye in October about midway between the Pleiades and Hyades, on the West and Castor and Pollux in Gemini on the East or about 7 ° to the right or West oi the bright Star Athena in Gemini. x x x Its period is about 75 years, and it has been observed at these intervals since the 15th. century. Records show its probable return many centuries earlier. It last visited us ifi 1835, when its tail was about 20° long and its nucleus like the Red Star Antares;So, go to Benson, Smith &Co's Drug's Store, Fort and Hotel Sts, and recieve one copy of their Hawaiian Calendar.