Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 15, 9 April 1909 — The Hawaiian Astronomy. [ARTICLE]

The Hawaiian Astronomy.

Accordmg lo Kjinnhoul.i's mt_lhocJ of astrology oi astronomy, the stars worv gruupcd m lhree divisions, to wit* (1) Suis of the lnst cl.ihs oi d.\isinn, |2) slars of the second class, st.Ub.of ihe thud ch=is Thc stars of ihe Class, wne si .uon Hawaiian N M I<s English NA HOLOHOLOI'INA\U, Mars( Andr ews and Bishop), Saturn( Alexdnder) Na HlkU (th_' St*\.t n s.L«',) llrsa ma]or or Uie dipper, (Alexander). Na HOKU I'A Leo*or ihe Lion A'UHi\KLE, IlUKl'l'lA Supposcdby scme tn be the A.NLI PAIKAI'IIALIi thrcc briirht stais m the Ci)iislellaLĪon ot Aquik or liag;le-the centre star bcm£ī Altair or Hokuula Note —Proh".sor Al» \.nirl i thatthestar Altair is Huniu. Na Kao daiL;>) — C"iiuiii (AucJiuwsū. Alexander) Na Huniul(.a huni'h)— l'ho Pleiades or the seven stars ( Andrcws & Alexander) NaHokuoHumī' r.i i— Ihi.Cnnstellationol Aqj a?ccoidto Prof Alexandcr * KeOKA or Keoe —Vcga (?) Accordinu, to Andrews Ale\and<-T. kukuiokokamaukuku, KAULUOMOHAX,and kauLUAKOKO. Theīr m aie not known Kaaweīa V»n"-f "i f"vpinr: «•<'»•" Andr . i i i. 1' ->i ī ii.i and Bishop-_) Noie—This stnr (hoku) is somctimes calli:d Kalaniopuu. Manalo, or MAN\NALO. Ihe name nf the planct Venus >iccordmg to Andrcws. KOKOIKI. No name m English. Nole —Ii i p > said thai this <51,ir has heen secn to risc on the prt , a , dmg wheu Kameluimeh \ 1, was born (on fi stoimy nijrhl ) m īhe monih of Novcnibn-, ]73G, at Kokoiki, >i plaee ncai Ihe hn,uior lomple o) Moolam, īn thc distnct of North Knhala, i"lns stai or planct passed dircctly, m a stra,iftht line, o 1 ei this locahty—Kokoiki; henee it<3 name. This stat, piol»ably a planeL, movcs m a stiaight hne from east to wcsl. Ii is a bnght beauuful body. It is enst*ot the constellation of Na Hiku (ihe seven stars) or ihe Dipper, and just north ol Na HokuPa. In the year 1857, on J n-'- P Q . Hc l^K ol-':vi-'-'r' ; ( 0 i Naholoholo) hāsbcensccn lroni ku.h .1 • l- ■ i. ,■ ' thc isUndof Hawan, descending 'to the wesl, on thc cvcmnLj of ihaL day, although its course on that oa:ai<!ion dcviated lo souihward, instead of passtng directly ovcr a man's head whieh was its usual course Kk rī irto I ' Naluku. Holoholo. * Pa 'l'he abovc I T shows plamly the 6f the Na HIK.U group ul bt.it s. They fytmcd a somowhat curvcd row ol seven stais The s.tar (?) Hoioi 10L0PINAAU isun the right o£ Nahiku, and bclow īl thc IJA1 J A K ro "P °' stars. The Pa stais are thus eallwl bn-anscihcv an' ,o ])l ilocl to (or»n a.ciniul«u lfl»i(.c oi wall. (Po iii lonIu» ih m

īt is sard that 8 to 7 Iaid the Primary Eleeuon Law flat on the table to lie there unlil the day of resurrection. What do you want with that kmd of " moo " (snj.kcor serpent) in the politico ol thc Paiadiso of tho Pncific\ Ii is £>aid tliat man, must noi strike a woman; but ltt him strike her hard i[ she needs one. That's \vhat you eall—" Wela ka h.io lt is said that Harris is> back agani lu his old job foi a while; and ihen he'lI"sl{iL" outagam andgive ftiendHenry anothei French Icavc. It is said that the whitcs heie do not eall thc lcanakas negio, and yet the kanakas aie someumes alluded to as " siamese. " It is said that Mr, John F Colbum luis lound aceitam document among the latePrince Dayid's papers, whichshowed Dr English's elaim of $11,000 against former Queen Liliuokalani, notlnny, buL a mwlual'Like.