Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 17, 23 April 1909 — "The Saints And Gentiles or Sheep And Goals" [ARTICLE]

"The Saints And Gentiles or Sheep And Goals"

About a month ago, īn our issuc of March 12th., \ve had an item whieh rcads as fjllo\vs- "'Lhe two Chambcrs of ihe Law Making House of Hawan have division lines seperatmg thc Saints and Gentiles or Sheep and Goats." Why' It just what had happened the other day m the lo\ver Chamber ol tlie Legislature. All those persons in the mner court ol the temple aie all Saints, and those in the outer court, are a!l Ge itiles, or m other vvords, thc "inns v are sheep, and thc "outs" are goats. When three high priests weie appomted the other day m the holy temple—House —to investigate the graftmg proposition, they announced that all the members of that body are unblemished. They were as pure as crystal. Newspaper men were growled and sneered at. Some membcrs of that holy order, threatened ihe u kmghts of the plume" to ftre them out of the temple, andthat a hbcl suit shouldbc brought agamst the ncwspaper s for saying the thing that was not at all a thing. What knockcd us do\vn, almost senseless, was the fact ihat none else was called upon to reveal thc secrets of the holy temple—if any īn <'-s,s'<" —but a Home ±luler and a DemoL rat. Why, in the name of Kukaakapia, a Home Ruler and a Democrat were the only persons called-upon toswear hcad and tail to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, on that occassion a mystery unknown to us? Do you think that the Chairman of thc Pnntmg Committee would givc any Enghsh spellings lor Kaleo lo translate to Hawaiian, if Kaleo did not tell the truth and nothing but the truth, that he wāntsa translatmg job, v/hispering into the Committee's tympanum, that a friend of his is to do ine wdi k for him m a line style? Why Mr. Correa, knows Kaleo for years, and he knows too, that Kaleo does not know the difleicnce bctwcen a jackass and a mule. Did Kaleo made good his promisc? I( he did, then \vhut's the ut>e of kicking him o I<t moile ehien, becausc his work \vas good and unfaulty? Ah' Somconc is talking tlirough a hole in liis aumhiuro, that poor Kaleo is a graftei. He baving his name s]ated dov/n in the House payroll as a translatot That may be. A man \vhose name \vas A, got the contract to put up a good house for B, althou{rh, A, wa.i not at all a carpentcr oE t4ie "fiist watcr," but A, gcL C, a i_',i)od eaipenun C put the house up foi B, and B, aeceptcd the job, and O. Ked it. Paid A, his contiaci gncc. Queiy - Is Atu iubbed down becausc he can'ied out the terms ol hi: contract to the battsfaction of Hi' Theic you jiv 1