Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 32, 6 August 1909 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Report of the Resōurces and Liabilities of "The Co-Operative Bome Purchasing Society of Honolulu," For The Six' Months Ending June 30, 1909. RESOŪRCES. LĪABĪLJTIES. Loana on Real-Estate $2300.45 Capital paid in $25.66 0« Cash on hand 275.55 Sarplu» Fund ' io.OO $2576.00 »2576.00 I, M. W. TBchudi, TreaButer, do solemly swear that4he foregoing e tatBtnentß are true to the beat-of my knowledge and beliel. M. W. TSCHUDI, Trcatur?t nfthc Go-Operaliva Home Society of Honolulu. i Bubscril>etl alid ?.«oni lo before me this 22nd day of Julv (Seal) P. E. R. STRADCH. L Notary Pub'ic, ltt Judic\al Circuit, J. jj{,