Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 10, 8 March 1877 — Sweet by-and-by. [ARTICLE]

Sweet by-and-by.

1. There's als»n<l llial is fairer t!ian day, A»d by faith wc ntay we it afar, For the Father waits the wav, *fo prepare us a ttwellinj{-piiice there , Cborus.—lti the swcet ljy-:vn»l-by, j Iu the by ainW>y, J We shall i»«*t oti t.h:it i>e:iiitifiil shore,: hv-ami-by, # ' In th"e swct bv-ftnd bv, In tlie ti»«'t by-:iml by, Wc pliall ineel 011 tlmt be:uitifu*l sborc ! 2. We s!ii»ll 011 that be:vutiful sliore, Tite nw!o(liuus songs oi' thē blest, Aikl ourspirits sh:ill sonow 110 inore, Not a si'sh for t-li« bk-ssiug of.rv.st. j Cho. iu ihcSttt-etbv.antV l>y 5 « | TO''Our boimtil'»l Fsither nbovv, We will offer ihe tribute <it ftraitie, • j . Fi>r Ihe £h>rioiis <ri!t oi' His love, i And tho' blessiiig» UaM- h»l!ow ouv ilays.