Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 101, 6 January 1890 — By Telephone. [ARTICLE]

By Telephone.

- • ■ • ' •'• ■ '•/•..■ V V Little drops of water f Littltf grains- of sand, May yet cause a scare, • "Mid the ministerial band. We hear that the refbrmers are after a Rose-Bush, and more particr ularv th.e- Bush. Ves, how well the reformers know, that onee the tree is will havedestroythe life and.fragranceof a Hawaiia« Hose. After all honeyed ]>rofession? j)f our Ministry. 'we findthem still at work, doiug its refurin *qt reformation of a <l rotten" r-<nient, in'a inore "rotten" way preBl?'ces^or. We did tīiink. says the wire, That Lorri had some principle, when with an air of ofrcnded/manhood, lie used to denouncO-htrrptvr, the dee eased premier. But whe-n tlie time of trial of his fitith and integrity eame, we in his nakedness. "F©r ways that are dark and tricks that are vain," is an old saying of the Mosaic dispensation, and is very applieahle now, as it was then, to the apostate missionary, of whom the dragon is at the head of the family. We merely use it now to post the ūnwary. The delusion pu| forward by the eXponent of the well to do sugar eoated saints. that the gentlemanly patriot and Garibaldiau scholar, Sen. Robato W. Wilcox, would not be received at KoliaM, was only a

fantas£ of a small head on a weak digestive 6rgan, as the reveree is the fact. * Seeing there is no way of defeating Mr. R. \V. Wileox, tiie saints and their satellites ai'e" Bomey» r hat were loudest to crueify him, are now willing to reason the matter witli him. .

The P. G. Adverti'ser sa\'?: uPrineiple not īiien." and the Trulh (Ka Oiaio) says: Then why are you so long in dealing out. justice to thosu whom you have found stealiiig. Blame not if we, in scarehing the tri*th', find a strong sinell of opium among officials. and actuallv nimistcrial suits havc bccn infected with it. • r In its eiforts to snuff out Irish the I\ 0. Adverti&'r, has discovered a Bowlcr among loyal Hawaiians that may yet grind deception to the, dust and ' bring piineiple to the surface among t-hē Emerald Ilses of the Pacific. Here's a heart that's ent\vined With lov« for lnunan kind Be it among thc llawaiiane, Or thoß© of other eliinee. It. is u pnneiple not men " * That we unit to defend f With ail our might with pen, 'Til justice ifi erowne<l in the end. . We hear that the missionary f|rm of Icatchhim <fe" Youchesthim has been replcnishing its arsenal with gunß and ammunition. This, gentlemen is only an inspired proviaion against a prebable refusal on the part of our intended navy, under that mmeh to be hoped for paper, the treaty. The principle upon whieh this liouse pleads in extenuation of its anti-eliristian act, is that it is inadvisahlefor tl>e governmcnt to l>orrOw, and it is really jieeesffary to havc something to put a quictus on tlw?se re<l aiul emerald dcvils, wlio ocdasionalU* give KU4rh a sh>x'k to the nerves*of the dearly kel£Ysd* and our dear litMe pr#totypes.

We <-n 11 'now iiiu{er£itai)'i ti*e aeU ot the fur,r K.inga thu foyal joker in Hieir ceaselet<s f>+Wnij)ts to obtain a power cf attornej" for that Hawaiiaii reneg*ula-J<wated at Washington. appears a nother frienrl need? a good fat position and prefern Waj?hington uiplomatic focietr, wliile P»ipmark's great eousin t and probably his suceessor in the future arran,cjeiiient of the world's history, Mr. Carter, finds the ordinary duties of represefttativeminister at one Cowrt tou venial and too limited for comprehensive and god!ike is a very Pnnee of and like his piaster. wiil 110 doubt try to usurp legitimate authority. Ugh !'

The 11.1i.M. ('hanipion has eoiue into Ilawaiian waters in due t.ime, contrary to the hopes of the. band that neafl-y J scalped Aladdin, the shepherd boy that u?e to feed is flock in the? dec.erts of Arabia. We hail, ou the contrary, the Oha'mpion, as the national representati\nß of a country and people ; ;who is yet in the van as aii advocate and defender of what is right for'everybody. By Jove, what a relief it is, for us popr Hawaiiaua, to know of a needed friend near by, though he is only a roaring lion. Just think what a ehill it must give the band of sharpshooters, secretlv selected by the' missionary government to shoot »native Hawaiians, whom they love to <ieath, with the niost improd ? arnis, because a few natives tried to regain their stoleh rights, with a few flint loek gpns whieh had refused to seare the rice birds in its efforts to rob the ,poor heathcti Cliinese. . Froin Koolau, .we heai it stated. that all the youiig, and the middle agc(i, ,and the okl niissionaries, dislike Bush, bccause he iells the public that smu£gljng_opium, is a steal; tliat lie' i| not the same article that spells l-e-y; that the restoration of $71,000 to estate of Aehi, of opium collusioii, was a new wav of vindieating justice; that $5,(K)0 a pie<?e to niissioiuiry lawyej*.<, for getting it rostored, say $20,000 all told. would not have heen paid tliem, if the C"ourt h«d decided the amount in default governiiient, that no donbt, the old bank would probablv have been a suflerer ; that the professing missionary thinks moi;e ofa Hnio than a $(pinrc/ Well, gentlemen, we cannot help it : thc truth must be told, though unpleasant to you all, and we regret very niueli, that we are impelle<i to be a source of aiiger and vendictiveness to those who should be our patrons instead of l»eing enemies.

We are often acciised by our not overkind spiritual m«ntors, that we hate white.j*ople, and that we seare their souls with our addresseß to the IlawaiianK. Poor, ,deluded and mieguided men, we are sorry to have to rebut this threadbar« aswrtion in plain language, a» downright falsehood. What we do say ie open, and applie» to every man, without referenoe to color or belief. The trouble ie not in what we say as it is iw what we eee and know as l>eing done and expose it. If a xnān or qlass of men, professes to teach Ohristianity, and makes usc of the Trutr as a profej«sion only, and as b.uch we speak of it as Ohrist whoui thev knv>wingly do not fcllow, are we wreng for snying they !Uat Bet that way ;iYe' hypoorites ? Missionaries were novcr t:iught t6 right a wrong Wv th* Man of v>orrows, eontrarv

Aa w, bui oti ttie rcvvrseHiev nLn' .jj . - • .ji\rght to Uwh otht»r«-thut must obey the.law nml plaee thtnr raiUi upon hini as the source of snlvation for «11 inankin<l, und when from charity we mention the truth, and Bay *to my fellow countrymcn, in contradh<tinction to the pnneipie eaunci«ted bv our great andKreeminent jurist, .the chipf justice. that the principle in rotten „and the example of the law breakers, cjf whieh he was and is still the main a<lvieer, wae bad and contrary to alj pjinciples <rf right and wrong. We <lo not pretend to deny that we hate a lie, and in hating a lie we hope to be * excnsed foT compromising the individual. Who is it that is singled out in the critio'Vms of the Diissiormry government organ, —ali Hawaiian», a»d no one else of the numi«ees ? We do uot fear to tell We truth without (l'ielineiion of nationality, aiul we Kope for manhco<l J s sake that right 'will receive tne support of all honest men of .all classes.