Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 101, 6 January 1890 — Declaration of Principles. [ARTICLE]

Declaration of Principles.

)Whereas the workingmen 111 this kingdom feel that they have not yet been duly represented in either the Legislative or the Exocutive branches of the government, arid that their interests and reasonable desires have betn ignored or disregarded in the making" and appliea* tion of the-laws.: >• AVe the Delegates. selected fo,r the purpose by the Meehanies Union And ihe Hui Kalaiaina, after a eareful consideratioiv of .our heretofore published platforms and a review of our political principles, we hereby submit to >be pe(^^J v g MoVing basis of poiioy, whi< v h wo havo drafted for the guidoncē of such cahdjdates as we may present and support at the coming elections of the Island of Oahu :

4, —Our candidates are required to |m>mote an»l defenu atl rnoasures for llie a<lvantag'} of the working dasses. and oppose anything that might be subversiye of their rights and. interests, not foi-getting liowI evc*r that all clssses in the nation I ' being eohsideration and protection, anv legis!ation must bc inade for the niajoritv of the people, on the basis of equality* for all ; iie civilized raees here set-tled, and 110 longer perverted to the desires or purposes of anv elique" faction or colony; s

2.- 1 -Our eandidates are emplialically pledged to maintAin the absolute independenee and perfect antonomy of the kingdom and igree not to support any tind of tKatiee .or nveaBureB whieh might l«id to ihe pratical annexation or &|eorplion of our eountry by any bther j power ; l>ut, for tho purpose o\ obtAining a t*tHl more formal reeognition of our independimee, with guarantec of neutral rights, they will favor a ppeeial *ppeal, not only to Ameriea, but al«o to all the (!rcat Powers who have hithorto protected us and. niade treaties of friendship with this kingdom; they will alsi> countenance the tx)ntinuance"o!' the preseut Ueejprocity Treaty with the United Statos of America, under tliis reservution however, that, in the event of an abrogatioa or alterati<m of t&ieir preseivt l;\ritTs, Hawaii niust bo'iat- liberty to adopt

itieasurcs.to njeet Un- c<-nitiugt;ii«'y;,j Whi{st |<leprecatm£ any ill-j considere<Vtan»pering with the pres-1 ent constitu4ion, we ihink that. j from its liaving been framed \*erv hastily, it is r.< cessarily impfcrfect, and that a hejalthful revisioA of it might- be obtained in ealm eouneii without y undue oiifeide j»resure. Sucn a. revision, made in a progressive nnd lib£ral spirit. kcepjjig in view the ix)litical «oeial advanee-| ment of tiie eoiuitry aml cr» refuljy | guarding the people's libcrtitf?.! wonld be the | inost etHciiccous and i sati?factory method of eradicating | all i<leas of retrogression. j whieh at pijesent no intelligent j īiian, nativ or foreigner, ean enter- j tain without fear jj)r' our future I safety and inde[.endenee; 4——Our candktat.(;.s will support a liberal ino(lilicati<j>n af ti;« pre£ont law on thd property of ineome qualitications iiOw re<iuired of electors f<,r NohleK, in order to jiicludej in that votin«: privilege a worthy cjat?s of natives, «mall ,landowners and ni<jreandiHe, «ho are now unjiiKtly <lebarred. It niight aleo be well to consider whether a more sati.«facto)'y Btatiiß of the Legislature conld be obtained by dividing it| intotwo separate bo<lies, instead of -eittiiig to,sether as at prepent, whieli i« an anonmly not to be found in any other c<sii£titiitionally governedcountrv; : -'V. : V v . /-v' ; 5.- —We beHevc that certain ])üblic i offices ]iiight bje satiHfactorily filled by elec'ton of the |people and recomended ] the quection to | the thoug4iifu/ consider-1 ation of the At any rate, we expect tiiāt ihe apjK>intments of all i the puhlie otixer.s will, *in tlie mture, ! give better Hatisfaction to Ihe puhile and weare infavor o! the adoptron of a judi-

I clous civil serviee anel ! law,.to j)roteci efnc;ent faithful pub--anki- -ai'lii--trarv remōval \v ithevejy political cluiiige ; (i. —Y»*e decidedly iavor the nio.«i rigideconomyinthe expenditure of thc pub. lic]fun<ls, and r,ne oi the most pnitical | proofs o-i t.hat de.aire ean be given by- the oi ill imne.eessary' otncer. a , iiow ufie«l for the purpose ot favoritism and bv the rcōt i ictioir of many exceKsive salarie.«j while at the same tinie, the hnmhle and i idis{>eusanlo. puhlio t-er-vrjits, >vho. at present, barely exist on shoul«l receive a j:ist imrease; ; 7.—A« the sti k en:4h o( a nation is l>uilt 011 niimerous s;nall l'arms and not 011 a l'ew lartre estateK our candidate will endorse all pratiiable for mentinj: ihe eM?ciency oi ihe Home>:tead Act. and devotinjr more 'lands to the pnrposv> oi tha: r.» t. immi>rratinn trenerally, A\hile the i'lanvers must liave fa -ilities for procuring ajt their exper.ee all the lal»or they may want-, it m|ist 1 >e the duty of the irovernment to tlVvote F]>ecial attention to tlie question oi rejHtpnlating the with suitable f>eoplē and of faciUtating their settlement.;

H, —Our caii(iidateB will unconditionally furti»er by all me*r.s th« earnest \vish expressed by our Political AseociationB, t'wr imiiudiateand Rtringet)t meaaoree ag«inet the "Aeialie Honiea," who thre«ten this <«onntjry, £upplanting and Btarving out the natives aml driving a\vav the fort ign workmen. Ohineae lalx>rere {«eoni «Wdently indispen6ible to our planting interetits and pl*nt*re muet heableto obtain nuny th«y need, but there muet be Btrictly k«pt on the plantations and muBt be to their homes ae eoon m no )o;iyer toed for plantation 1 abor. Fbr that piir)M>se, proper restrivtive ixknBUtuU<nal l«g»lat»oii inwt be en«eted wiUiout delay. Mom>Ter, in e<nnexion with thie at>iatW quē6tion, 1® iiisi!?t on j;ointB; A) —that nei ther t 1k» governni«at uor any puhlio ot];eers or government eontraetors should be allowed to use Asiiitie lalior on puolie work*t; —that r.« m'W : i , oniers oi ti«iatie ra« k s 1k» alloweil to engag» k in U-iule or uioeiauiieal the Jwen&efi liehnr gmdnMly *uihtUHl on«ihe natural dis;ippean*nce o£ avtual «wner; •

j īn the m&rest of ihe lahorj t*iris^«-fa T l l«iaiftn-4h«l-ibre^fti... j f»v.>r the follow»ng xuggeKtion».; ' { ; A; —that no iinif«luKl rt)«teriAls■ Uiat' . j i'an l>e nuuie or pr<K-wml I»ere on reaponahle termM*MmportetHor govermueni utv. ho an to j»rotēct loe&l imhiBtrie*; i I>)—that, jn rt>ngideration of the heaw | twbf<idi<'P pai<l to thj Queen'« IfoKpital ' [ from pnblic fun<lK t the jrovernoient j phoūM' i"upist on iu try*tee«? modifyiii£ itp i;regulatio»F, a«-to niak«<»f it a truly jebar>tnble in«titntiou, more arceKnible i to be destit<ite of all nationalitiefi ;. } ' €)' —th«t the pre«ent Snnday Law l»e ' fHberftHy inodifieil, po that the people"ln> . ' r | ailowpi heaīthful reerefttion on that <lay; i * I>)—ihat a nnwo eouitabie sis.seff«iwe:i! i ]>roj>erfy an«l a ieviHion of • the T«x i .La\vs >.e obt.H\ncft; -■ [ 10. — the " liberal j»oli«-v *- j (lesire«l by our AsHōcip.tioi: pr.MiV j j?nprovernentf» )tu\hi£ ior obje<-t t!i«i <ai \>»l<iputeni <vf i;ational an.l j £i*'in« t;roater fii< ilitiea to the forei*:n i a|iul doine?tlc com;no rce," w<> spedai 1 v *j rfH'omvnen<l the .fpllowin.g meanuref; 'A, —the immediate improvements / f i lfonolulu llarbor, to aceoinodate <>f tl;e lar»est and the cjr>mnierce of the port ; i I 8,~-(iovernment ae«stanw for the extenmon of the railroad aromi<f Oaln: T wlii<*h will not onlv give ortmpātion t<» laborei>-, but also facilitate the Betting of the Is'and and the developmeilt of its resources; C,—the «idoption of a better and pystemativ' road syptem, and the <>pening . of new roads in the remote <liPtricts®* >yliere thelocal road-taxesaire inslirticient w here con.-eauentiy the hujds a: e ,no\v inawessible f%settleil»ent; ! I>,—the improvement |of liarl»or and h;nding jacintie,s on all the isjands, and the conj<tru< tion of all necesyary wharvet**

aiuU>ririi:es; lf, to carr\: out the alwe con(«Mn])lu(e»;l i?iiprovfinoH^,o^**:th.erefiimliii?!o|-the prosent riebt, a loan be ne<-es<ary y.c rQv'oinuien(l a ]>roj>er utilisat:oiv o» tlie Post Oil'n-e Savinitr Bank;; ! I l>ne attefttion mi:yt m»t l» ytinte<l lo 't|lie pul.li*- e«l»n ation aml to tl»e lilw>ral« H-.ippon. ol' phWi',- ;h-liwls, t«. tlie ;':i of tlie contry at jar.i:e anri to tlie sar\iiary c<»:i:;ii-ion* ol' the 'citv oi' i 'onolulii, ior* pnneMin.: the retrent exi ess oi" jrōvern»»ent ee»itrali.sati«.)ii, a cautiorte sturiv ij»nst Ih'marie oi t;ie fe&sioility'of loeal xcl/-(} i>.\ r.iiun,i; anri tinally \ve rieuiaari a stro:ii: aml riuiri a<lniinistration 01 the l:av. sanri a niove in.nartial pr;.m'utiori of' rielinquents, opiuni illi*.-it li(juoi , -fcclU>r.s an<l vagrants.