Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 101, 6 January 1890 — Our Bow. [ARTICLE]

Our Bow.

Wo ininniuee ourselve~ to th<"' j EngliHa readiu;j;pahlio )>rie!lv ar.<l . rcHp'M-tfiiily v. ilii«jut ;i:iv of<>ur c<'ntcmp6rn}*;orf '• hemid :n£ <''.!• •«•?iur/. If we- ; aroTur^rtetl^o' ; f{? to us to :siaii .-!:'•»]] M/U«u! •" ir.a. \ve liaw- a :u;d?-i« »n autl ;v"r-'. . We. s v )rtVl 'ent}eavor to co.urteous an(l: ft/arje?«. 'Tig not ia uß;rtals tō er)uiruand suēee?s, ; But we'll <Jo r.iore Semproniu«. de?erye it. !; We advocato such prineip]e? as will l)enefit the }>eople as. a nalion' and trust to our readers to suhscribe and help our eireulatiou. W'e have no government pap to expeel in advoeating tlie eause of labor. and all, we ask from our ( ontemporarie? i?,'' "A elear stage ai^lno ; Wor." .. •• - Farliaiueutary Govei-nnient an<l Con»Te >sional Govfmmeiil.

It vnll ]>e" onr n.ini to oflVr or-;-a-pional remf:rlvS on '.tne' pr>nr'!pk-? •uii(lo'?lving our iw ulo of sfivcmr.ier.t a? v. - c arv c i on'.vin> , eil -that-it

$£«0 HU' tera ,-pilr p Poh»mnl(.ii(iD

singuliir. To tniF cn.vi.so ivo aiinbntc tho fri<:tV.n whieh sr> painHuhiirāt6<] on I.ho ])ii '>!;oar < ;uri. r iō th.c ' lapt ,seFr'on. It mu?t ]HvovMont io ony-student of con?titutions, th-:it thc fraii:crs of tho ' c'ōiistitiition of had chiofly on fio\v tho prinoip]oof cxtendirig iho franchi?c, and of h-nng- ' inpe p;ovornmont genr'rūliy undor tho/control of Ūv> uf.d to. that oxtent the pe-ople recogir>e tho valueof'the; refor:n. But\ in o>rdor that the hoon thus gained, mav he of pernianon.t yaluo, the admini?tratiye ■;iiaclrinnry must not he : ?ubjcct to the irritating and

dangerous frietion existing betweeri tke .Ki n g and Cabinet during the ■last session. We woukl- liave the King as far rumoqed fiom frietion in polities as Queen Vietoria, or the King of Italy is. The mogt etriking contraßt in moelem not between monarchial ,and presidental governments, but,between parliamentary and s congreesional governments, The latter, fo»rm is eommittee government; parliamentary government ie bv a responsible eabinet mMnstry; that is, they are elected by the people in thefirst plaee, and bv-reoogniped indication populai* will,expressed in the legislafure, heeome executive agents, t\ecredited lead<vrs, nnd aecountable scrvan)s of- a Jegislatiiro virtually supreme in allthings. Bucli a constitutionnl ta])inet rninister ean «peak a» ono having authority, and not asMho inere Bcribes wh» repr«sent nekhor-Kmg I'eople;