Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 101, 6 January 1890 — The Parson in Politics. [ARTICLE]

The Parson in Politics.

AiM now the Rō t vvl, o'ci?on with n r.ible iii one lmml ainl n ritle in the. other. '■•meilieiiu'" for •-k 1 m<i ); »<! v. " V<-s. iny «1 r 11:t--wniian l>ruiher you s€v; rv th<- t r t;v oii;irv \vi)iL r .of t))eref«'>rni i»ariy.. are re."MJived.• t'h*it. ii \ve- nniHi vou, it sh-all be in sorrow not in uivgcr^andas eviaem-t- thereof \ve will see that your saivati(»n be attended to. and we will do our )jest tu'furnish you witii a through tieket to that other. Kingdom, "not

mmie by.'.">vor.kingnien or oarth!y meehanie." ' > But iii the anea!itiine the licvd. Military uikl Poiitic,ai '\ajutant sniffs j)olitic3 in the air and forthwith exclainiS like anotlier iamou* \viirrior — ./My K.uiV' in arms Aud eager ior ihe fray. « Probably ] 1 ichristia-n . "oowel? 01 co.m|.>as«ioir werc moved. at the ?o-

|]itiiry cal:<iiset %vho ean | talk. iret;ing Avorked 10 deatu. anii ! iiioreover tliut ii aid. not. ■; VŌ;h:ive ■ a]l tne (k>nu \>v 'h.v. . •••.' u. ..i i>erLtv ! r.tiiiv • uiai .it

\voūkl so a «rtain Xabol) who j

huld- the keyi? of tho Kingdom of rui:f.sionary polit'.es, 11 saul Nabob *ivr heeouki give th-e pointors on organi;iation. W'oll, we give Uuvd. 01esoiv Ui.e credit of havh'i > g shown that he undcr?tands. organization, and v;e thank him for jiīs relnark? and prmt tin.ni for if?e o;n one s<ide of} ll)e ria))'!ii pr.rty. V» e acce.pt ad-| viee and i'ntend to protTc hy anyj example providcd ~that it be an hoi;c-t one, and il the Uevorenu preeeptor v;ould favor one side 01 the refonn houee with a visit and give ii3 afew addit-ional points, we wili show our appreeiation in sonie approved orthodox manner, from a vote of tha,nks, to pa?sing e-lie hat.