Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 102, 7 January 1891 — Telephonie News. [ARTICLE]

Telephonie News.

Oi>ium lias gon« up t,o .$7O a We fear a trust cc\ibination has been formea, under the patronage of Li Chung.

The appointnjent of spies anel <.l«*tectives to dog„ the, a£tī6n of prīvAte citi7>ns, wouhl serve e t er puvposc an<l niore oreditable to the admin,istration if the same services- v/ere ilsed to d;scover wlio are in the opium ring and who the jngglers ,are that turns opinm into poi. \ ' .*•■

The resuH— late government scare is still ftlH: in our eommnnity, and has had the tendency to tighten the money market. It is a pity that the ill exai:TpJe.set by a former administration, and condenmod by thc present, should be so readilv followed bv the vjvcak ones in offiee.

Lyml hurst, a correspondent of t}ie P. A(lvertiser, is eviclentiy iiot a meelianie, when he urges that "The .Tavanese i»ay (aleo be einployed on the pinntations to run engines, manage the boilers, a:ul iuost of tlie.supervision of the sugar milis." ** * ; His \vages woukl (only) be at the rate of $7.50 per month and found. * * Whv \voiild it net be wise to try Iheni -in these islands." i What a s pity that they \vere any other people at all here to run the sugar interests of the eountry except Java- i nese. lt would be so niee to have a Javanese plantation o>vner, und his family all Javanese. his manager Javanese also, ānd to'be eheap and eeonomieal, trade with snd | hire .1 avanese people excl asivel v. | I wonder how mueh would Lynd« hr.rst lrave left keep his dia- | phragm liealth if his scheme \vas j carried out to its full extent ? It | is evident that the wviter is not aj fool. but is possibly of the same| specics as the-piston of a pump. |