Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 110, 19 January 1891 — Telephonic News. [ARTICLE]

Telephonic News.

«JiVe elip the following frotn the P. 0. Adverfciser of the 17th inst:— 44 We fincl the fol!owing among the Xew York telegraph dispatcheH of the S. F. Chronicle. and irisert it as part of the current gossip. It is not known her« that the Kiug in tended to visit Victoria, and it ip, not nt nll likely that he would do 'so in niidwinter: " 44 New York, December 27.—A letter >4atyl 3>ecember 12th has been received -by a gentleman in this city from a friend in Honolulu, in whieh the following int.eresting information is given cencerning Kin£ Kalakaua and his probab]e movements while iu the.-United States: *lt is still the intention to have thc King visit Washingtan. The denial of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the eflect that the King would not visit American capital to tht fears of the nativ*a. " The gchfttn« as it etandH at preKenl is that t|i® King will go to tfre Stat« of Washington to benefit by its climate and enjoy its scenic woivders. He will become interest«.d ni the Canadiar> Pacific Ilailroad, anil will be ii)iuced to travel «ver it. ■' At the other end of the line he will be met by old friends froro Washington, who will prevail upon him to take a run down to thatsity aiwl renew old acquaintauces. Tben the. American anei Hawaiian politician« will get their workin." The writer of the letter of Pee. l'ith \vns corrcct. in his statement. His jVlajesty himBeif so stated to several of His Hawaiian frionds that he woukl visit Washington, but in order to avoid diplomatic sUspicion, he expected to take the Canadas first and be pūrposely pressed to visit Washington. whieh he was to reluetantly accept,—' som« what after the style #t a pet daughter's elopement with her father's eoaehman. Nordid His Majesty ]>urpose yisiting Victoria in rnidwinter, as there were other seasons of.the year īn whieh he could.