Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 129, 13 February 1891 — The Dissatisfied. [ARTICLE]

The Dissatisfied.

A gr«at amount #f <liscussion, rea<;hing in som« CBsfes, to severe kicking, h.ns be*n eaused by the Order of Processtdn for the funeral of His lat« M*jesty. T«he Members of the medical .Fr»ternitv cannot aee \vhy they have* been h«pped in the plaee whieh h*s beea assigaed to theni; the Mas©nie Lodg*s eomplain they are too far «wav from the Catafalqu« on whieh ibey wish to perform their solemn rites; the two !v.jnds, Uovrl Hawaiian an<l Charleston. sa\* th(-y would have b<ien h*»itef fur ai>art; even I*he K:!) t <i's c]iar^ , r think he ought tn l>f nree<-:!ed hy the joalou ar-_' :■"!!''• anion~ the Warcrs of Rfn;ill kahili'p: luiī ! v:h"ro ihi''ni:ittcr cro\rs.seri-)iis. is l.n- i:'h ;iuthorit Thc i);;>*- >:iiiiti<- cr»rj;s on ;i :nat!or ir tt^rniLii<>īin 1 preeed<Mice. w:ilkill l: i;ī: 1 Ad:j;h\'tl ])]>»wn. wlio has ]>#en as.-;ig?i«,?:i a \vith Ihe Amwieau Minisler. Thpre mav I>c soi!ieji!?"tic»; in that elaim, ]>'dt ii sc<-ii;s t« puolie that, on account of tlx« ppeeial friendshin b 'lwe en the Adn-iiral {Mid the lamented Sover?ign, und in view of tlrj y:<crcd. nii'Siou- pwrforina<i hy the gallant oineei- in bringing the n"u'iiui.rclv's re!riaivis h:ick : to the Is];rr.d..«, whieli- iua-ke'i of him one of the chief inourners, Admiral Ki'own ought to have heen assigned a distinct plaee, an<l ought peraaps to h;ive 'heen invitc*d to a-seat in Mr ('itTghciri:'s carri«ge. as a last homago t@ Aiiierioa and its p'eoi>lc. nnd this wouhl have avoided diplomatic <lilTiculties. whilst t©ndering a higher and deserve<l eomplimeni to the Admiral. Then <>ur Con«titution is violated by maki»g the J adges of the Sueremt Oourt take prec«dence over the Preside*t a>id Me»iberB ©f the LegiBlature, who constitute the second Power of the Kingdoni, while the Judiciary is only the third; then the Ilepres»tatives of the People are slighted a»d they ought to stand out for their rights. At this pomt, strange to say, the Ladics of thc Colirt steps in l>etween the Legislature and Privy ('ouneil, pr«bablv becauso the fair sex is llie ltest ftdvi.ser. -or Gouncilor. and tliBv arc thei'o placed to prcvcnt our Legislators and Priv\*' Councilors fVoni io l<vi' r '-*r-hea<ls. Xhcn trie ('onstilar (':>rps i.s a bodv olyect ■to the pi::(v ifiven lo lliem after. 1 !io mi'!shipiiicn, wh.iie ■ i ! vv onii'it I<> r>':lw'.i' iiii:iie'liate]y. ):» or.e !•!;<: ■'. ihe l)iph.'.;i:itie I)orps.' And s-lr ; »jvje to s:»y, ihe incst v:-" <'i" ilie iot, ar<' tlie .h:<e.::es ol'liie V M'-n. !ī• * u» iollow t v.' Coiu"t v as tlie ie >. a.nd y.'t v. ho :ii> n V \:inl is to sr.y. :-- : . eiti; s iis •>'. ! 1 iicy :■;:.;•* -<"•