Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 133, 19 February 1891 — Crocodile Regrets. [ARTICLE]

Crocodile Regrets.

The P. C. Advertiser, organ of the old and nef <rious Reform Partv and of the present Ministry, aftor ignoring the mirns[;reial cri?is for several days, oomes out at last against th 1 Qii' on, and proeiaim6, j that " from evcry sUmd point. j • whcther lega'l or iPtega!,\y)o- dem;md j of the Queen (for resignation of the j Cabißet) is ill-judged, i]l-advlsed | and alike irijurious to Ihe Crown j and tl:e couiitry". We ,b.eg to differ niost deekk l!y w'ith the senile organ of the party of i 1887. s;tv th:il every new Sovereign ]ias a inherent rigl)t, whieh cannot be eurtailod, of seleeting and advisers and Ministers at the beginning of h : s reign, and there is nothing to the I contrarv in our basfard eonstitution. We mtend that a change of cabinet will work the greatest benefit (o the country, for the present one has dnly done oiie thing, work to keep itself in power, whilst it has neglected T ignored, and refueed to carry out the measures voted by the legiBlature, (eKample, the Oahu Railroad. the Honolulu Harbor, the line from Hil© to California, the improvementB to puhlie roads, the improvca'4ents in salarits of eehool teachere, etc, etc.) A new cabinet wouldctrtainlv do what the present one has failed to do.