Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 163, 2 April 1891 — Official Changes. [ARTICLE]

Official Changes.

The following changes took plaeo yesterday Apnl lbt. They are estnblished on promises to be perf.jcted one year henee, if no other changes takes plaee in the interval: Hon. A. N. Tripp, Jailor of the Oahu Prison. J. A. Mehrtens "Esq. Df*pi;ty Marshal. Major J. D. Holt, Port Surveyor. G. K. Wilder Esq., Pohoo Court Prosetutor. . Capt. J. \V. Kahalewal, Poliee J"station turnkev. Hon, E. K. Lilikalani, Cnptain. of Poliee Chas. Vv ilcox Esq.. Seeretary of the B»ard of Pleallh. Nahora Hipa Esq., Assistant turnkey. J. Esq., fecond Assistant tn¥īīfe§\ ■ - i Hon. J. T. Baker, Governor of Hawaii. Hon. A. P. Paehaole, Governor of Maui. Hon von Tempsky, Governor of Kahoolawe. Hon, P. P, Kanoa, Governor of ; Niihoa and Niihau. D. M. Punini jr. s Governor of Honolulu. W. P. Lumaheihei Esq., Bheriff of Hawaii. J. Kanui Esq., Sheriff ot Kauai.

years faith.ful service, ha¥§ i | ceived letfcers pafc€nUiaking fbem I quietly guilU;ined. Those wh@m thegodswish to destroy they f rst make mad, apply to tho Se who thus treat meritorious puhlie servants* and time will prove it. ! llow many gambiing houlh, not ; j Chinese fantan, but those frequent!ed bv foreigners are in full biast |on awd about Hotel St. One yo;ing [ imm lost over Jfsoo wiihin a week ] r»ic*enUy. Hunt em up Mr. Mari shuli. nfver tnitid if there ig gome | big lish thore. J The pr».ved honesty of the Poit i S'.trvv y.»r, Capt. Tripp, appears to , disfavor with those whose dutv ; it istoem:ourageit, The-degradaticn of our S)cietySiero ean be best nnderstoo,l whon hones<y is quietly s.»t asido without a murm«r. Tl.e we read of is bein£c resurfected in Hawaii.