Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 169, 10 April 1891 — In Distress. [ARTICLE]

In Distress.

The expected gchooner has arrived at last from Galifornia She puts in at Kawaihae in distrees (?). Anoth?r vessel is seen cruising off Koolau in_.the. Yicinity of U aur ranch." The latter has#n ear mark, in her mainsail, and is snpposed to be the crafo intended for the Koolau Ranch and Fishmg Club. The yawl boat at the Ranch, will connect with tlse steamers depo&it, whieh will be landed when a fitting opportunity offers. The cargo of the stearaer cruising off Koolau, and of that of the schooner, ia of a viilainous smelling eompounū, some of whioh resenibles eoal tar,ai»d is said to be one of the drugs, whieh the imps of hell use to ailure r«cruits fbr the army that is to be arrayed agains<? the righteous on the battle field of A r a geddon on the last day, underthe gcneralship of His Satnnic Majesty and hls Larcen©us Crew. It seems to us that the "three unelean spirits. like frogs, ont of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the rh outh of the beast," has been spued out anoong us and has been breeding like locusts. They are here for the j>urpose of enticing recruits for the great fight on the last day, by luring them through the intoxicating and hell inspiring opiale. ctlled opium.