Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 185, 4 May 1891 — ON " APPROPRIATE REBUKES." [ARTICLE]


The Bulletin of Thursday last, : after patting itself violently on the back as the custodian of national virtue and the expounder . of fhe tnoral code; intimated that the ' San Francisco Chronicle of April 21st. condemns the misrepresentation ōf Hawaiian afiairs abroad," and admmisters uappropriate rebukes to Honolulu editors." With the jpint aid of a miBcrcscope, an electric light, and a weli peeled eye, we have failed to fiud in the Chronicle of the newspaper beyond the friendly notice of Ka Leo whieh we reprinted in otir Fridays issue. Wiiy does the Bulletin fail to report loeal news ? events ofpr©found interest whieh are stalking 'round on as' twere, begging some one to dish them up ? Here is one at random. Jnst before the Duke of Waikapu Bailed from Malaeaa Bay, a Maui Judge.Was bowled'out by that lynxeyed Nohleman, and forthwith interrogated on a breach of the Rabbit Act. The J udge owned up like any oiiieial caught red-handed, and | lest the rabbits might be ferreted uot by a jury, he proceeded tq deal summarily with the culorit and fined hiinself in the sum of $11.85 with three dollars costs. It was evident from the astonished expression of his countenance that he had cxpected a smaller sentence, and he was juHt rising to protest when he ordered himself to sit down. Then there was a lively struggle between himself in his private capacity and the j 6ther part of him. and the language ! he used was so vio!ent that hfe or- j dered himself to leave the court ; instantly, and when he refueed to ! go, and said he would see himself dashed first, an£ used M srespectful language to liinfeH he so mad tbat he rushed down from the bench and started to throw hin, self o .j t

ln the combat whieh ensued lie struck hihvselfv several times ai!iJ got in heavily on his nose, but uHimately he lifted himself bodilv by the hair and threw hiaa—-in his private capacity—down the steps and left hitn partiālly stunned and using Btrong language on the sidewalk. Then he returned and went on with the business till, afterwards hearing himself still cursing in the street, he sent the poliee ont to warn him to desist, but the 6fficer presently returned and stated tha.t he had been unabl« to find.. him. He then instructed the eapiain uS poliee to keep an eye on him. and in case of any further disturbance to rush in and drag him apart, aad he further added that if he saw hims«lf doing anything of the sort again he would fine both ef hiiia. A coolness has sprung up betw r een him in consequence of these events, and that night when he was going to bed he assaulted himself vi©lently when he was not looking awd hit himself a severe hlow from behind.