Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 186, 5 May 1891 — ROTTEN. [ARTICLE]


Snch wa»s tho niii \ ersal conmient ou tho 'admii)istrp,t.ion when, 011 the lst of May, it was known tliat the Cabinet had again decciv(nl the publs, and that mniisterB had one<? ioore violated thcir \vords and pledges, in the matter of the renioval «f obnoxious oQiei;ils> Again has the nati*nal party Wea insulted by a noudescript cabinet, and again have we heen madi) aware that popular govornnient cannot be obtained by our nresent Bystem, wliere foi>r ! men persist in setting themselree up as an mdependent p rty .in defiance of pnb!ic •pinion and of the pol ' . 1 div> cs of a popular

vo'ce. In this rc.s|icct -tho pr<?seut eal inei- haw* i no bttter than their predecessor,s, antl as the;-former Premier was cunningly manipulated by an \mnrincipled colleague, so ihe preß<jnt Premier has alloweel himself L.> be be-foolecl bv a cranky CĀlle:sgue who has already }>roved hitnself ivnfit for I his high poaiiion, and see'ms to think j)iore of ••fnt(rlund" and countryrnen than he does of his ndopted country ;ind t'ne rvative among whom . he lias intormarried. We have been disposed to sunport the Premitr and his Ciil>inet, fo? we believed that they would right the wrongs eomniitted by two previous administrations, and that they woukl conduct publ;c affairs in the int.erest of, Ha%vaii ■■and Hawaiians and on the lines of tbe nation!il policv clearly outlined by the people at th' j last elections. But we have been a.wfully disappointed. and tho Leo is ?orry to have to annonnee, to its large eirele of readers throughout the isliiiuls. that the Queen ; s cabinet is faithless to her people; and, as we cannot pin any faith upoii them, we must again „inake a strugg!e at the next election in Febru;jry to secure at last an administr;!tion that will have eharacter enough to recogmze their duty and to stand by the people. V/e !nust have a national policy and ii.iKii-lonak partv that is eontroled by no- ring. cl:iss, chque ov fa>uily eompaei, b;:t will be based upon vlie polHieul rights and and wishes of tii- }>eople, and we hope ths)-t ali righl thij)king men wn'll pull together for that object. Onity is strength and the I.eo will be found ready for its share of the battle.