Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 187, 6 May 1891 — CAPTAIN PLATT OF THE TWENTY TON SCHOONER. [ARTICLE]


Annie Halev emiled his adieu to his old brother salts yesterday as h« was about to mount the gang plank of th« Australia. His name was not on the publlshed list of departing passengers, but then the skipper is a modesl djan who has lost his sealing kit overi>oard and may be suffering from depression of spirits and in <'onsequence forgot a. paesport till the last moment. He sold the scho«ner to a Chinesc firni for $1000 after having paid $300 for ropair to the Marine Railway. Capt Patterson fonnerly of ihe Moiwahine was the sole eompanion of Captain Platt on the perilous oeean that washed the nealing tackle overboard. The ent'erprising skipper ldoked anything but disconsolate this moroing and appeared as if he 4 was quite ,reconciled to thebnsiness termination of his voyage, \Vhen he gets aniong the old 'Frisco skippers on the water front there will be S9md great points given about the new route to Alaska.