Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 202, 27 May 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That the great oplum calcher, Mr. Wm. Plaee, late of West Poilii, says he wili astonisK Wailuku, aod the old bones buried around the Sand Hills of Kahului, s«me fins day.

That Cleghorn ought to make another appointment like the Port Surveyor of Kahului, and then be appomted out of otfice himself.

Tha.t our artic!es discussing the necessit/ of republicanistn as Ihe most natural form of government, in Hawaiian, has lfd to a covert attack from the Hawaii Holomua; but it finds the . Hawaiians somewhat inclined for republio:m doctrines, and some have withdrawn their to that paper.

That the yelling around the palaee yard at all hours ofthe night is a disgraceful nuisance. What do thc.se tin soldiers thirik they are doing anyway ? .

That, our daily contcrapferaries give two columns to a repori of a ball game whieh every one igj[pwn whn takes tbe slia;htegt interest in the matter saw for himself.

I That while ©ur people are very | squeamish about words, they never j eritieise the disgraceful display of | photograpfis that are exhibited in | the streets and windows, consisting iofSamoans and Gilbert īslanders lin a state of shameful semi-nu-dity. A dealer in curios exhibits a photograph vile beyon4- the most Drurient imagination. Art may excuse our dealers for displaying etchings and lithographs of laaiee posing to show their ahape, but obscene photographs have nothing to temper their indecency.

That Charlie Mahope is to be decapitated, and Charlie Mamua is to take h'is office. We are sorry. but t«o late to be able to help our friend. That Mr. and Mrs. Campbell returned in good health, having enjoyed themselves hughty during their sojourn abroad. That the ordei*s to the American steel armored fleet in the Pacific eame in about the following" way. 44 They are to take the Itata, provided they can do so, withaut manifest injury to own ships. If, in Captain opinion, he ean fbrcibly seize the Ohilian vessel without distructipn to officers and men, then the Itata will be brought back to an Amenean port"

That the road to the Volcano will be built mahope, as his 3Sxcellency does not bind himself to take the lowest or any bid.

That a lady 100 years old, cqm* raitted euicide because her friendß wished her to live in rotiremcnt at the Pnor Houae.

That the Boers &re to gtum around and whip the mooey«lovißg Englishnaan, i if they interfere with theui.

That Marshal Wilson left yeeterday for Waiiuku; he mav pos--Bibly return to Honolnlu, with his comuiissioß as His Kxcellency the Minister of the InUrior.

. That Hon» Cecil Hrown rctumed by the Austraiia. increased in woight, and i ready for the next catnpaign. things have changed •i nee (he gcntleut*n hcre la»t, but not for the b?ttcr.