Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 202, 27 May 1891 — A ROMANCE. [ARTICLE]



The interpreter interrapted iheni "Here take your contract," he said, 4k and go on. through that gate." u Go on the lK>at," said the man in the box, 4< send the wahine around the other way; we don't want to get them mixed." Fazadrew back and joined MorornQto. They went around to the other s?ide of the second pen, there was a gangway to go on board of the steaiiier. They went on board. Ple sent a waiter for the luggage. The immigrants wepe going the hold. They saw Nyama go iu with others. 4i Oh ! Let me go down to him," said Faza. "No " tho escort said, V I will go down and bring him un." He descended a uarrow stair way; at the bottom he found Nyama benji on coming up but prevented by a man who guarded the way. There was a liveiy altercation, but the man was immoveable. He would let no Jap go on deck. So the ofißcer had to return and tell the little woman on deck that she must go below to see her husband. They went down and Faza went in, but the man stopped Moromoto.

"You better notgoin ifyou don't want to go along. I uiight not know you from a Jap when you want<Hi to goout.- No Jap leaves this steerage." Moromoto pressed a littie paekage into her hand "give that to Nyama. I will see if I get you out of this plaee," he said, and left her. She saw Nyama sitting on a fishkeg not far from the door. She ran to him and laughing and cryinjrto!d him what h&d happsned einee he had heen arrested. Nyaaia listened sullenly and grave!y. She held on to his hand. It was so niee to be near the dear feUow; she would not let him go. After a liUle he told her to sit on the keg.

fcl oh. there is only one. You sit dowu—l will sit on your lap, n said the lady wilh a blush »nd a persuasive smile. Every bod> will he looking," he replied smiling haek and squeexiQg her hand. "I am not and he pot his hands on her shoulders and gently forced her to sit down. How delightf«l wfs the thrilt of his touch!

%t Oh yes, M she exclaimed, ( 'here is a paekage fcr jost gave me." - He took it and unwrapptd the several papers and at last eama to a nest of ooirt—five twenty*doll&r go)d pieoee. u Weil. what a &llow! h« know& I woold not tako his moMjr,-4mt U raight k *be useful for you, dear I tbihk I have about fifty doilars left—l suppoee I will not ge% any ! more from my iather. Woll I wiU |pay it back to him*" They talked on and oa &t»sorbedi in eaeh olher. Tbt ttMn|i wa» rapidW filling up witb peopl*, diHy and tired from their long fairmy, carrying their blankots and eookin* utentiais. Still they kept eomIng. Many w«w roading aiui dit* cuasinK the 'XHMitract n tb*y had reo»iv«Hi. At last thm wae bare* ly standmg room. SuddenlY tb% hole in tha ship % s aide w|» ihut and it waa almoat dark. (To beCoutinued.)