Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 204, 29 May 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That there is a new Constitution coneocted by certain ex-Ministers, to suite possible and hoped for changes in thc form of our governnient.

That the barracks are in order and soldiers drSlled ready to meet all emergencies. That moneyed influe-ncy is eonibined to eheek Russiii as- we!l :is Hawaii, two extreaies in thvi nrder of thefami!v of nations.

That Hon. Gecil Bro\vn is already mentioned as a camlidate for Legislative honors f«r the district of Koohtuloa. Mr. Brown is quite infiuential among the. natives of that district. The gontleman's urbane and pleasing manners and his open-hearte<lness has mueli tb do with his popu!aritv.

That Ministcr Bpencer says that he will aeepen Ilonolulu harbor or else take "to the woods bcfore the Legislature meets. This is a laudable resolution—-and the woods 4 his native Puna forest, is waitipg for him.

That there are so many detectives in the government employ that ' here are no outsider,s for them to watch, so they are largely engaged in.shadowing eaeh other. Malicious persons say that the governiQent does not pay the detectives to detect, but t9 keep quiet some things thev know ab<out the g£eat of Hawaii that would not look well in print.

That tbe Leo is the only detective that shows up the current history of the land and makes the gui\ty fear in their grand houses and costiy,equipages, and gives the public tlie bottom facts about the public business.

That it is about iime for the buils flnd bears ana the whole me•iagerie to retire from the pubiic pa&ture and seek soine more private situation for their spring time gambols.

That the proprietor of the gambling den whom we gave soyne free advertising some days ago started out to pay a year's subscription to Ka -Leo; but before he got there he met a polieeman who wanted to borrow ten dollars so urgentl)' that the gentlema|n had to give ittohim for old time'B sake. * He says the taxes are so high there is nothing in the business anv more.

That the freebooters of Earope having taking possession of Africa, propose to kili off the aboriginet)S with runi % tobacco and syphilis, and those that survīve wiil be unoculate<l wilh let>erous Jymph as has been done in the isles of the Pacific in the last scventy-years.

That Cath<>lic Spain is &lready looki»R foward to thc soon re-cs-tublishment !of the Inqnisition. Home never changes % bwt thank God the-1260 vcars of the Martyrage ispast, and the reward ofthe overcomer is near at hand !

That mone|yed inHuenw has lnvn combined to | i nii uenee the govern - ments o( Kussia and Hawaii, proves how great nat : o:.s areefleeted, alike n<| matter how far n». moved thev art\ in polit!cs or in their situntio|h

Tiiat Hon. Jas. Citu>pbeil flnds [īawaii stili Ihe same little tempest, in a teapot, niore so aiuee he has visited »other r*ations sou«c*' what larger than Hawaii.

That Joe Aea. one of the musicinns of Berger's band, is to be Deputy Jailor of Oahu Pnao», Joe, b afather.ofq.uite an exiensive and pro!uising-fami!y, andns a Hooulū Lahui uian, ip worihy- of favor;*. We oxp(!ct to soc Josepii mivde governor yet. Thut eifjchty ponn?ls of opium vv<. j r<j iaiuieā l'iom the Australia yesterd.*iy a lady assisting in the tickiish operation of carrying the tins out under her skirts. A feeling of gallantry preveuted the detectives from ur.dcrtaking tHc ft seiging of th« drug.

That the o!ectric light glow iu>t. The works* of that dcpartment seem to be costivc just now.

That several tax p«iyers have agreed to coivtnbute to a suit to make Ministor \Vidernann pa'y inlo Ihe treasnry the monoy lost by the private sale of bonds.

That .1 genttenian made a stateraent at the prayer Qieeting Wednesday evening that he joined the church on business principles, but afterward learned to love Jesus for his own dear sake. So do all our most successful dealers.

That thece is some excellent land over in Puna, Hawaii, for growing kanakas if the governnjent wili only give the raisers of that kind of stock a show.

That Ed. Stvles, of the War Office gave & miniature Diplou.iatic Dinner, at whieh were represented by proxv, the Finance Minister, the Mercantile, Piauting and Stock interests. P]dward's princciy styk-.-wouM just fit us at \Vashington if the backers of tlie Advertiser wouUl «nly put up the 120,000 per aflnum.

That a lot of brigands have bccn surpressed in Italy, and are talking of seeking h®mesteads and occupation in America. wnile another lot descendents of japhet have taken voluntary possession of Africa, and have uivined the land of Hani» containing 11,900,(K)0 sq. railes, as follows: Portngal 774,993: Spain 210,000; France 2,300,248; Germany 1,085,720; Congo Free State 1,000,000; Italy 360,000; Great Britain 1,909,445, and as France has not been able to «ti> lize the desert of Sahara, Madagascar is thrown as a. mamahi K> her. The intentinn of these nations is carry out the soripture saying u the heathen I will give onto yo\Jk" «l*c, v believing the scripture in this rssp?ct as pottiiing to them.

Bisnfarck has beea electod to & seat in the and iilre*dy thore are indicatious that his preseuoe in that body wiil be the signal for sharp controver»y between ths pnnoe uiul his $ympa* thixers on the one haiul and the K*>vernment supporters on theothtr. There will Im no l«ck of issne« to o»U forth contr».>versyv Tho yv>nng om|>eror already man?fvstiing annoyanoe at the Ho thro\vinp the hint in pn»!ty >trong torms tha( ho aiono ismiii?torin U«ruiany.