Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 205, 1 June 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


0!i lh..v w.'it?r qufslioa utm]f-r ihe noir uo plumo <>f " Unele Zvkc. ! ' Thnt .Mr< Plaeo ncvr'r p?rsonally| r]id .anythinß for oiihoi* party, n*Tlīcy eoul'lnol vote ivithout oath <;f all< ; giaiu'o. Thi;«.ho wouhl not do, becausr, iie Kai<3, he \Y.intc<l t-> be a citizfin of a whHe nian's c , r , -itrv. ĀVhcn he snu r a -ehanoo to l>e collcet'>r at Kahului lio ?vvalioweel the oath at one gulp, Ainl hoeame a subject m tho kr.naka's countrv.

. That we were right about the Cabinet and that the Bulietin v. «18 wrong about the Pal'-road aml Wilcox. .■ * ——— . That tktvstreets arc foll of lazy looking polieeman, an<l the war-ery is heard at the barracks, wh'ih>;the brave captain of the guar«H looks eare-worn and anxious. Dry huuhundret Shermans. Th.at it is better to scrap ui> tne fiith from the streets and cart it ofi for manure than to wct it down tiil it forins a kind of plaster, r.s h:is been done before, and as the Adyertiser should be continued. That the b.ittl9 scenes displ&yed by the deaiers excitc a lively mterest, aiid a*e always surrounded by a group of admirers. Is the war spirit spreading? That the Supreme Court, according to Minister Spencer, has decided that Mr, Wilcox cannot legaHy build the Pali Road, the.decision doee not prevent another paeee of road work from bemg ofifered him however. . That the Leo is going to seeure $he great Sullivan to assist in editing the "On Dit" eolumn. That the dril|*of the HoUsehold Guaida on >oēooi»tion Day w|i6T6rj creditable. Our soldiers in te>tter sha|Kft Uian ever before; That the Paradise of the ?£ better than a letter toi send ahmai That tfte Rifle ĀBBociati|>n has 6ecured th» sixty eharter msmbers reqoired bj its &nd | will proceed to put itself 011 ja iepl i baBis, at its next m*oting, T|aesday evening. i TUat «loe Kaheieluhe, the QueenY advance agent arrived by €tan~ dme> and is rast)ing aroQn4 iown getting up a crowd, to greet h.»r Majestv on her June 6th. Joe ia quite •u<4eas(Vd in that capacity, and in th« matter iu the xight ahape fj>r th« j>reB&/:v:^