Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 210, 8 June 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That the attempt twice made to bribe tbe ofiicers of the Housefaold Guards to give up those pefc Austrian breach loading guns, whieh were bought*by Mr. Bush for the use of the liawaiian government, was a move intended to initiate the work of seizifig the government and then the Queen with the intontion of making her agree to abdicate iu favor of some iay preacher of Congregational sect here, as King or Presidentj and in e fc of a refusal to create a disturbance and thereby precipitate annexation to the United States. — That the cJerk in the Attorney General's Oftice who made the mistake that liberated the opium . smuggler Allen wiil not loss any thing by the clerical error. That a was heard to say that the smoke of eoal-oil torches served in a measure tu disguise the order of kanaka. That a portly figure was seen to approach the Queen on the palaee portico and after several ineffectual efforts to displace thepater presurnp tive and engage Her Majesty in'an' animated and confiuental conversation. A hoodlura was heard to say: kV See! He is making a mash!' , "No, he aint; he's Siiyin' his prayers," replied his mate. That the people are all glad to see Her Majesty safe and well and hear agam the strains ofthe Royal Band whieh the people have greatly mis3ed. That Marshal Wilson appeared on the scene in good shape mounted on- a handsome horse and looking like a cavalier. the people are waitingbreathlessly the develooment of the new cabinet Let the Queen remember, not who are, but wha werc hcr friends before she eame to the throne. That the pullers of pulls who try to frighten the Queen and the Minißtry with threats that they won't stand it, will stand a gowl deal. Let the Psalm-singera» artd foreign ministers too, have the retort courteous and curt, That the time is com ; "2 when we may have a cabinet who have eome principles beaides the love of office ind polf> and who cannot be pulled by nulla nor scaml by sscaree. That Saturday hus eeme and gone,—the last day the riot was to have taken plaee—without auy riot» — IThat it is qniet evident that Muft?hal is a staunch Queen's man.