Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 213, 11 June 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That last Fridav six or seven hundred Japauese refused work on the Kealia Piantation. The cause of thtj refusal was d«e to the discharge of the cooks, that the iaborers had always had provided for theni. Cheap labor after all, i? d<ār labor to the best welfare of the cpuntry. That Mr. Oeo. W. R. King is f tho builder of tbat "pet breagwater' J at Lahaina, and that as a fact the work done has proved an inimen&e snccess; the- break in the reef, and the breakwater just built caused a current to set northward, carrying awav with it the sand loosened bv the action of the sea. So strong i? the cnrrent, that Mr. Kiog believes it will make a regular ehannel, that will deeperi in the course of onr- of the.se scientifie decades of a million years so as to admit the largest steamer built now or hereafter. That the Advertiser is squlnning like a cur in poetry, because our u florid impotence t " is geltiog too potential for its weak stomach, and that our "puns" arē too pungent, and our taks has a moral that lacerates its sugar coated eonscience. { That dear oldgfilpßnp, t\h Advertiser gives «S a sound ratmg |iiT*? yesterday's issue. It shows <kttain spitefal vigor in invective thit rpakes us sUspect a diifejent band- than tbe shaky one thsjf ueually makes up mosaic edif6riaīs frooi foreign papers. Howevk we aro not at all offended; we.do tiot thiuk the- Advertiser has gotten even yet When we think it has we wlll keep a little in advaace bv some reference to rannv. We shall hereafter write ranny wiih a big G.