Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 215, 15 June 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

hales of r>riLi>iNH im% Oii the Corner of i and WiMei* Ayenne,Ooriier of Tii«rston Amiae & Gi»eeii Btrcet aad on Prosj>ect Street Honolnlu, OaUii. ■■On-AV(?dncsday. Julv 15, the front entrance of , Haie. at 12 o'eloek iwon, will -\* x | so]d at pnbiic auctiou li> on the corner of Ponsacola Str''K aiul! Wilder Avenue, 2 Lots» on the corner of Thurston Avenue and Green Street and 5 Lotg on Pro% { t>eet Street, varying in size froin 15Sx2CK) feet to 81 xlso faet. Upset price—Varying from to 400 eaeh lot according to t?i;w and location. The teru}S and condition cf sale wiU be cash or at thc oplion of the purchaser, one-fourth 3ash and thē remainder in equal inst&limems payable in one, two or three years, with interest payable semi-annuai-ly at the rate of sevcn per cent per annum. The purchaser may Avithin one year from the date of purchase enclose the land hought by him wīth a good and substantiai fence and lav on water froni tho <Tovernmcnt pipe. Royal pAtents will be iseued for ■the land upon iinal payment of the purchase-price. A map of the Lot ean be seen and fuil particulars learned fet the Land Oiiiee. Streets have been laid out and graded and water mains have besn or shortly will be laid adjoining all of the above Lots. C.N,SPEXCER. * * -Mrnister ofJnterior. / Interior Ofßce, June i">, 1891, 215—4t 700 Dozen LADIES' Silk Handkerchiefe IN t ENDLESS YARIETY, From $1.75 to $3.50 per Doz. iī4P" rhepe goo«ls were never before EqualkHl in either priee or quality. Cor. Fort ānd King Ste. (SE\V STORE). -215—2«. ■ I _ ■ j OLSLO HOOLAHA» ! E ike auanei na mea a pau, $ia ma ka Pa Aupuni lio o Makiki kiekahi uiau lio; hookahi ho kane, hfio kuni [j] P v »kau, lae kea wawae keokeo 4; hookahi lio wahihe, |ae kea ulaula wawae keokeo hope he* ma kiko keokeo hope akau, hao kuni JK. l 7 a komo nu\i kei» mau !>o i ka la 11 o Mei, makahiki 1801, a ina !?ok> o kii mai ka poe nona koia poe liu alaila « kuai kudala ia aku (K> keia mau lio uia ka la 2 » o KALKI, M*»i 10, oU-d. Luna Pa Aupuni.