Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 219, 19 June 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

TOQ Dozen LADIES 9 Silk Handkerchiefs 1N ENDLESB VARtETY, From §1.75 to 83.»0 per Doz. «rrhese goo ds were never before Equailed in either price or quaiity. Cor. Fort and King Sts. (NEAV STORE). 215—2«. SALES 0F BUILDINCr LOTS On the Gorneiv of Pensacola St. and Wilder Avenue, Oorner of Thnrston Avenne & Green Street and on Prospeet Street Houoiuln, Oaliu. On Wednesday, July 15,1881, at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hale, at 12 o'eloek neon, will be sold at puhlie auction 13 Lots on the corner of Pensacola Street and Wiider Avenue, 2 Lots on the corner of Thurston Avenue and Green Street and 5 Lets on Prospect Street, varying in size froni 158x200 feet to Slxl3o feet. Upset price—-Varving from $200 to 400 eaeh lot according to size and location. The tern)s and condition of sale will be cash or at the option of one-fourtTToash and the * remainder in equal installments payable in one, two or threē years ? | with interest nayable semi-annual-|ly at the rate of seven per cent per 'annum. 1.1 V I The purchaser mav within one ; year from the date of purchase en- ; close the land bought by hiin with i a good and substantial lenee and j iay on water froni the Government ipipe. | Royal P&tents'will be issued for the land upon iinal paym«nt of the purchase price. A map of the Lot ean be seen and full p&rticulare lenrned at the Land Ofhce. Streets have been laid out tod graded aml water mains have been or Bhortly will be laid adjoiQing all of the above Lots. C, K, SPENCEE, Miai6ter of Interior Offioa, June 15,1801, 215—4t

Ka Hui TJwati Kalepoiii. c*»U «ol»oir*bo, m» m*aaa.iva.sa E£tt "i£^it!r a * »«■ s&? ! 3s?swra»