Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 269, 31 August 1891 — The Swiss Republic. [ARTICLE]

The Swiss Republic.

Tho first of this pivfjent month of Ango&t mnrk*d t-he- fix hun*htnltli aiinivcrsary of the Swij«s Just jsix oor»turieB ago three tiny oaiitons» foroaing about one-sixtii part present Con» fevWvai)on —a tnerp specli on tiie man <»? Jujj o(k that they hnd ot\o»gh of moh;\Veh\\ anj sol♦?!iinly thoir ultimntu»n that thcir musi The im« iu thosc iliys waa that the now 'opuhKe woj;[U on*y last about

seven days, but the ccnturies have eome and gone, and tHe Alpipe states retaip" their freedom still. though the monarchies āround ihem have had & rdu|h time of it. The Greek empipr|M© up; so have the duchies of Burgundy, Courland, Brittany, Li-i thuania, and a lot more. The| Mporish kingdoms in Spain havebeen wiped out; also the kingdomsj of Poland. Servia, Navarre, Hano-; ver, Naples, Bohemia and Hungary and severāl others; and tbe Tartar ;states in Europe bave heeome extinct, along with several hundred despotisms in Gerrnany, Ireland. Italy and elsewhere. Turks, Franks, Spanish, Swedes, and Germans ha,ve. governed Eur<4»e turn?about", and there has been riot and frenzy and consternation everywhere. Yet the little despised republic has laßted throtigh it aii. īt has had- no money worth sneaking of, no. monarchs, no standing army, rio pomp of any"kind, butii has got on with» out them, and notwithstanding that its population is composed of a mixture of races—elscwhere antagonistic in religion and language— when anybody wanted to conquer her she ever eame out victorioUs in the grand strtiggle for liberty.