Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 271, 2 September 1891 — Entertainment. [ARTICLE]


The sbow last night at the HaU! en Bethel street was fairly patron-| ised a drawback to a orowde<d hoUse being B«a Hogan's mee&iig at&e sametii»e in the Y. M. C, A Hall, whloh was a free sbow. The mxmh of the Quintetfee Club «u>der the leadership of Mr. Petersoo wasgood tbroughoat, while the laiilem pietures were mueh but were rather hastiiy rushed through, in order to give way to the variety part, and partly through the black~ | guardteui of three hcKKltuns whoi with Engli« l accent apoke of Manehee , fro;n $ouie $lum of

vMch city they mm ,Tb,e clog j. singiog of Messrs. Dilioa and Wfeite —iwo professiooals—was espeemlly as it was their first p«blie exhibition together. An Italian'g . idea @f SulKvan in broken English, by Ben Whitnev, was coraical and jset the houee in roars. The T>laying by Mr. Waleh, of two instruments at.the .same ti>me,- the harmonie and guitar was really elever. The farce of "Barefooted Bill" \vas the fcat ure of the evening. It e opcned with Bill visiting Honolulu onee agairf, u the sleepy hollow of the Paoilie, the .hoaie. of the palm and the opiueo rifeg." Bili's search for loug : ngs brings him across an oki sweetheart, now a widow, Mrs. Snowball (Mr, Decker), between whom tliere was some good acting, but the ]yesi eeene was spoiled by. Bigah upsetting the tray on the stage instead of waiting for Bill's tete-a-tete with the widow," and tumbling throiigh BiH's foot lifting him of7 the side of the stage. The character of spotter (Mr. Whitney) in his dealing with the poliee, and later as Blll's confederate, was well dc>iie by MesSrs.Williams and Daley, whose song "are you there Charley 8.," as a parody on "M6ns.Tiiy n was deservedly encored. But the acting of Mr. Billon in the ter of Bill Loftfoot was good enough for any company, and his fdn with the widow — whose part was very well played — provoked roars of merriment to the l% breakdown" at the finish. The drawback was Uie emall stage; it would have been best for the company. to give such a good farce at the Opera House. We may remark that Baturday night is better for an audience than Monday night, and a good , *ministrel show with such a farce will take better than pictures.