Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 271, 2 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That Thursfcon will stew his pineapples and quava in the eauldron of tbe C£ater.

That J. Mott-hyphen-Smith begins to realize that he iell into the wrong sonp, when he undertook to take a hand m the present Cabinet deal; andthe p>ablic think th&ta plain Smith is better than the hyphenated arti(de.

That it is now definitely known t&at the Premier and Cabinet are down on aU &&|HrantB for office who are Hawaiian or havethe shadoW <*f Hawaiian blood or ties abrmt them. Fal«je Gaitifl&! Lettheband play HawaH Ptom fbr th«ir ddieo* tatlop» » ■ ■ That lf the Marshai ean soeoe88« fully bring to judgeaent the»Qled geng of opium mani|raUtorB atthe Custom Houee, he will have hxdj woa his Bpurs of poblkapprobation. That the BullsUn reporter has giVea the )mblio a&egh proofof |hlB +ummcfs by *nwwimng the depaHqre fbr Eaaoa oftke H«k efthe PoeUl Sayin«s Bank, *ho * 6tīU here, waHiog fer t&> Cablnet to aUow him to ▼indfeatkm prior to his That many people askiog what kiod .ot important buB)nees obhges the Depoty €o!lector of Customs to snch frequeiit abeet\o9B fit>m his offioe at hotus wh«n he ought tobe attending to buautesa« theieby obl)ging the puhlie who waat to make entnee> to wearv hours of waittng.