Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 272, 3 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That friend Turrill has returned frotn theCoast,and it is a matterof comment that he i just )x> a marine i hoodoo, for every ttme he goes and returns a sealhig schooner drifts down here in listress and aiways fails to made t he port of Honolulu! flrst. Look out now boys for a sealing schooner in distress or it may be a whaler this time. That ten " old subscribcrs an<f constant readers n of the Bulletin, scared by its announcement of AuguBt 26th, have contributed 5 cents eaeh for advertising the following —" wanttMl, clearly defioed principleB of the Bulletin whieh are toconstitut« thc ground-work of the nest campaigu: when looked for, they could not be found, and any one who ean give any indication of their whereabouts will be entitled to a 50 cent reward. That native Hawaiian Premiers lately are n, failure; but the first was l>etter than the last, and may yet reapj>ear. That it is up hill work for the amuhibioiKs writer of the Bullotin to write a good editorial without the aid of its jumping marsupial friond. That our contomporary tho Bulletin i? quite Pore it eannot hide iU edit«>riai head in the sand without th<* Lko a ehanoe lamnoon- o:h >r |reme of i(9 1

That there is considerable eeandal among the ladies that weni tojiring a little while ago. That a fashionable and nohle en g®g e ūQent will &oon be\ announced. ' That an Honorabīe member of the Legislature was after a Crewes yesterday, That the inecription on that *iarge calabash" is next to being b!asphemous if not quite so, shswing where aenae ceaseg and non«ense begine. |That a Hidalgo has been elevated to tlie peerage of the Privy Gouncil ; that he has not even a tin-pot title, or an iron coronet, but has rmiled an honor by hia urbanityin dispen8ing domeetic utenRils to the Premier. That the Arch-Duke was furioug when the new Privy CounciIore were annonnced without his preknowledge or a8sent. That the new Councilors are a. qveer eombination of brain, brawn and fat, and one of tbem at least will io jūl his seat. That in ail countries except Hawaii, Privy Councilors are men of abillty, who have rendered distin«> guished sorvices to their <x>untry, or have the mental capacity to do That there's a eheet called Ka Leo Whieh eomee out every day, oh ! And the Cabmet it does slay, 6h ! In its gay youth ! It ean scold and it ean scream, It ean criticiee fey the ream, Bnt it can t and won't deem ToH an untruth ! (P. C. Advertiser corrccted.) That <hepower behind Ihe thronc proposes to i naugarate a new reform party. The little red lion is his first ehoiee for Jegislative honors. and the rest wiil be of equal ealibre. It won r t work, how*»ver. as both nian and mistress will leām. That manifest destiny poiuts in another direction. and you had better look well to your own caput — Charlie. That two ehinamen have been fined $250 a pieee for beiog "catspa\vs" in opium smuggling, and that nevertheless the vigilant Marshal will very soon ferret out two non-celestials for heing the "principles" of the catspaws. But wilL not the j udicial sieve work as usual in stopping the small fish whilst the bigfish slipe out ?