Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 275, 8 September 1891 — The Chinese at Kohala. [ARTICLE]

The Chinese at Kohala.

The planters evening organ 6f Saturdav last, print« undor a eon--Bpicuous ttiple heading the storv of the trouble in Kohala as told by one of the kidnappers. Of course no pro-slavery organ will ever give the other side; whieh mav iieverj reach the puhlie. I Thepicture of tho Ahnou declining to listen to hie captive8 > tale of woe on the Sunday. s is omi« ncntly suggestive of the Pbarisee,'

wlio could nqt s«e tbāt it is : lflwful to dt» good on ths Ssbbath day. The pio«9 man knew weli tbat if th&y eame td see him on any othef d£y be could get therri M runin" for~ ( d and could eecure them an £scareer£tieH in tbat filthy receptacle, the Kohala ealā-1 boose: We extoact from the Biilietijtx {pfynterB' organ:) "I* Aseq notkted a lot, of Cbinese, perhai»s a hundred, around fMs Jk>U6e whodemanded f«od. A dkse of (arackersj Ae., was give to them and ths3r all wont qu^etly, tQ, on the veran4a, and around tbs place.' > Nodoubt{heyelept, after being regaled witfr the toothsome dry craclftnr, they Blept the eleep of the hungry. "The Sheriff they must bring their complaintB before " the courts in the regular m&nner." That is they should fee a lawyer witfca good lump eum, who would u aell" them to ihe plantation as a higher bidder, or in any case fiud the court but an atinex of tho plantation. -It makes no matter t0 the planters court that the men are etarving and have no money to fee the lawyer. Thegu we learn that the planters intercepted a letter that ihe gender paid a boatman $5 to carry, whieh contained the treaeen&ble information that rice are high h6re t &c. This ehowe that they are taking the most extreme measures to prevent the wretched elaveß from eommunieating with tbeir frsends. By mu2zhng the preis y opening letterg, pubiishing misleading aecounts in the govemment organs and otber tyraunical meaas the 6lare-dealerB t?y to eoneeal the Btoryoftheircrsoae^. Mr. id veīey careful to eonCealthe actua! wages whieh hie P&ctolus elaveB are getting*, EuUetin moe esty is very accomodating in thie :>articular.