Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 289, 25 September 1891 — LABOR. [ARTICLE]


The Sugar-barons' defender andadvocate, the P. C. Advertiser, m writing about the expected arrival of oeveral hundreds of Ohineee laborers by the Belgie, Btraggles hard be consistent with ita motto. We hopetosee diat paper eontMatied fearless and bonest in ita views a£ W6fl«s on other subject W We $re a^aia, lōwem, #n this queB-i tkm of the Aāiwiwe^e

sfei>se df ibud justice y' II not 1?e allowed to ehow itself beyond a certain paift£* This is our*fe&lief, hut we this very subject that we/aa-e in error v aod that the P: C. AdmtUser will eoiiiinue' to advocate the necessity of niakm r g an expose of evervthing; :• . ■ ' V. T ' ■ ' .■:,■■■ I pertaining t0 -Ghinese lal?or ( 4rouble in Kohala,- and other parts i of the group. The !aw 6n the sub- v ! ject is liberal and should be res- j pected. There is no necessity for any underhknded work, in our dealings wilh imported labor. We are satisfied that there haV been, i hōwever, some misunderstanding j and it is tJbe duty of< the govern-1 raerlt to investigate it, and to publish a report of its action.