Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 294, 5 October 1891 — "Verdict Before Trial." [ARTICLE]

"Verdict Before Trial."

vV;: ii v:Jtaracteristic inconsistency we n ; ,1 iti the P. C. Adyertiser, Oct. )rd, 1891,an editorial accusiiig u« ol'publishing a verdict bcfore trī.;l in an alleged complaint ag-i ; Ascu. based as near as \ve eoii i l l gather on causes whieh were fu]]v forth previously in oue or Uxu ofthc P. C. Advertiser. What we said is shiiply what we iiiveu to unders-t<and wns ihe i cūiise of complaint, arid tr 1 - aus(t was the sarae that i>rodv. '• an attack on Asēu at his iio published in the ¥. C. Advertiscr soon after the occurrence. ;Kearly' the whole of our atticle refors to the sugar-barons who are at Ihe bottom of the trouble, and to the g >vernmentV fbr allowing such inisuuderstaridings to occtrr; whieh gome day will lead to rrtore seriou» tfooT»Tp: a stricture oh the 3jsofmaking a contract with a number of ignorant men to go into onother country without the least kliOwiedge of the plaee. and cost of Tlie F. C. Advertber v iftakes the follomng reference asto what a)l repntable jonmals should do in such ;oa»?s: w "Tt is generaliy considered proper by all reputable journals to abstaio from comment< or at all ovents fromexpressing any decided opiniona, pro or eou, on any matter >»efore the C6urts of law while gtill "sub judice." llow far Ka ™Lko is governed by the wholesome nile may l>e seen on the same page as ihat on whieh its i>olitical platform is s?t forth in its issue of Bept<*mber 30." After the above judgment by that ioumal, one would siippose that the immacidatc P. # C. Adveptis- * 4 reputal>le journal" \vould j - t bvtain from comment, or at all t»venta from expressing any decid- j - «<I opinions, pro or eon, on any <,;i{terß'before the Conrts of law, " After taklng us to task ior an- j vovnciag the jact that the Pacto : !u:f Ohuiese, had evidently awak-j :>'ml to a sense of having been j •• )ngfolly treated, and had enter- j . ; ;i against lseu, whieh we omlerstand to be the case, claiming tli.it such publication was verv \vror»g t and no 4i reputabk journal ?? w«»uld do snch a thinff. &c., we find this bigblv 4v reputable .joumal ,? T)oblishing in its loeal eolumn 011 the thir<l page of the samo issue, the following reference to a notice !«<ned bv the Marshāl, and in the latt¥r part of the paragraoh asgerting "that t,hese were Pactolus Chinamen. and there are doubtless ■tired of trying to get their clothos. incidentals and fun out of $2 50 per month" :— "A. poster is up, issued by the Marshal, announcing that two Chinese from Kohala, Hang Ixß«k and Shen Tong, have deserted their ctvntracts. Twenty doilars reward is offered for the capture of one of then>/ The renaway arc iij hiding in Honolula «omewhere. .w«fe Pnefcilue€hia&u;«a, and they are doubtle»s ti#ed of tryi»g to g«t their ckitfam« «Doidentala aiui jfau out of #2.50 per tm)rith.''

j Tfye real grievai\ce whieh the P> IC. Advertiser has against Ka Leo, !is not because it loves justice, or 1 the Chinaman, Aseu, but, on ae'cpunt of our condemnation of the eoolie or peon system practiced by the sugar-barons gndaupported by the government. When w6 touch the 4l barons v we touch nearly if not all the stock-holders of the P; C. Advertiser, and it is there where the pineh comes in. The cry for Aseu is like the false cry of wolf, it is the wail of a bloated and overbearing hypoci'ite ever regdy to condemn Ka Leo or anybMr else ; who dares to criticise- the o? our wealthy sugar-planters. Tn the aspect of the case most fovorable to the P. C. A., its artie4e is no the PotVoompliinerits to ihe Kittle. Wi 11 the P. C, A. purist kindly eonsider how long it is (lessthan a week) that immaeulate sheet rendered a ' c verdict before trial,"—at the same time perpetrating an outrageous lihel both upon the quick and the dead—by its inhuman refcrence to the receat I occupation of tbe !ate Moses Keumi? Did not the pious scribe know when penning that lihel, that the question he so glibly decides to the prejudice of Keumi. is also sub~judke. and involved in a enminal euit for trial the Ocfcober Term ? Go to, thou rtiarisee. . , • J We acoept v however 5 tbe admonitjon, by tb© bWted sugar mouthgiece } Uie P. C. kaviugout the pharkaic spirit Sat p*ōaipted it. And not to be outdon€ iu cU<ittg good, even ifit is only in words. w$ would advice our friend. in <*rder to iftake its teachings m6re effective, he must first regen«rate liims©lf with a new spifit, an honest. truthful spirit. one wiwse teachingg coaies froin a pura aud unselfish heart. When the P. C. A. and ife patrO!is are ready to turn frotn their selfish ways and teach otliers from a true Bpirit of charity, we wiH 'bow elpwn in all httmility aud heeome its eo-worker to renovate the Aug>ean condition of our government | and plantation labor Bvstem. " i N " ;■ - ■ '