Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 296, 7 October 1891 — An Apology. [ARTICLE]

An Apology.

• n<r lo tlie necessity of nttendiriL Court, to satisfy ,the desire of tl:oK0 who have felt aggrieved at ' thing said in Ka .Lko, we \vere u• :.ble to give ihe usual aniount of rejul'!ig matter for. the Kngh/.i page of«'r pai>er. Xow that a decision ■ ■has be given exhonerating us from any malicious inh?ntion to hurt any or vharacter. we hoj>e to be al--1 d a little rfspite, and ccntmue o bors fbr the publie good, and th.iu Crown Prosecutor will show his seal in some other direction, and made it convenient to proceed with libel suits <other than ourt. and sothe of the more important opium cases ■ now on anpeal before fhe -Supreme Court, whioh aUxri over from last Court Term.