Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 297, 8 October 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


cycle and ages, past our owo day, over into the |etertial state. It & s© comprehensive it embraces ali this; yet it is so mmute that it gives us all the great outiines of earthfe kingdoms from that time td thifei' # wisdom never derised sO "brief a record braced somuch ; . Humau lai?guage I never set forth |ih so few words ? so great a volume of historical truths. The finger of Gfod is here. Let us heed the lesson well."

That the Hui Kalaiaina' will meet every Friday evening at 7:-30 P.M., at Robinson's Ha.ll, above the I. X. L. Store. S. W. corner King & Nunanu StreetsThat a thorough rehoyation o£the Custums Department will take placeas sooa as Prince Archibald returns, when, if agreeable to His !Royal Highness, the Bureau will receive a jiew set of officers, himself to have the Governorship of Oahu, if that shrewd | Scotchman ean be made to believe that a salary and back pay will be voted for the office in the sweet mahope. Look out when the sifting time comes, in the meantime try | the fortuueteller, boys ! ! That the religious controversy now startiiig is |doing good in more than one way i. e., if helps editors to fill up their columns and it properly and kinilv conducted with the view of eliciting the truth, it should help t!he # contestauts and readers. I