Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 307, 22 October 1891 — A Marriage. [ARTICLE]

A Marriage.

\Ve give the fo!lowing letter pnbJication because we believe it will do ik» harm, and may indeed help a young wiie to set aside lier timidity and boltfly avow her changed life, and thus enable her to seek her liegn lord without further delay, for H <3an not be very $3easant to be living ju conBtani fear of publicity for do good casse. v jmd dejayed liope ©f f'iture bliBB. Ī)ear Bditoe lt*re i« m IMlle mmanee whicb iniemei tfae puUie.

aware that oiie of its "Misses" is*a "Mrs." aud has besi» for a ,period of aome five weks ,#r so. phort!y before thedepaisure of that most formidable war-shij» the : one of its interestiog i and fascinating oflseers took unto himself a wife from our midst. Dispensiīig with the uaual bridal veil and orange blossom, our bride stood in a plain white gown wearing a large black hat, It appeare the young lady had o«e or two ardēnt admirers among our civil workers whieh made the u young un" from the brimv deep feel a little restless until he had seeured full possession. It is understood that" the young Mrs. will join her rightful lord as soon as she ean 3ummon enough courage to surprise the oommunity with Jhe informatioEi.' We assist her in her task. As it aU'| took plaee an hour before she eailed we sincerely hope it will not be a case of u marry in haste and re-! pent at leisure" I We write this to the Ka Leo as it is the only paper that dares to j pnnt what it likes. * * *