Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 312, 29 October 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That on McKenzie , s nose, McVeigh plantedfearful biows Moral — That people should never t ry To tare eaeh othftTS eyes; But in prayerful embrace Orant eaeh other grace.

That the jay o£sōrne in our eommunity, day before ye6terday has turned into This is what is termed the np* ar>d of life.

That blow wlueh struok Bili Pa'iterson cost the strikcr twenty - six ducats, and all ou account of a key, whieh neither party could see, would ehd in a fight so free.

That the Minister of lnterior, since he, has perfeonall3* seen the worii done on the Hilo road. by Mr. Moore, n has said, Mr. M. will reiriain in gOvemraent etnploy as long as he is Minister, notwithstanding all tlie back-bitmg of intercsted parties. That he further, aekno\vledgei?, t.he work ac<UHn)>lished as snperior to any thing lioexpectod to see dono in the wild regions whcre the road is laid.

That rroc and $ugar are splitting theranks of the capitidistB< That the big jßsh is endeavoring to awallow up the liille one, i? exemplirted hy the neliou of (lie Planter!» A?sociation who are «ndeavoring to plaeo Ohina rice on the free Ust, aud thus destroy oue iucans of good Iq the Arigina! uirndrts of the sofl, and a pro6tahlfc indttstrv of the ootintty, ftoi» wUieh the govorn» innni ia dttriving a fuiler and iargt*r ineome than the BU.qar iudustry in proportion to the &ipitm invested.

Tba& „ eoiue |of tbe wW fo!if*wed iha tjhree, who were not memberaof £he Hui as tb«y/went <?nv pla-nly told thny wouM have hoei» thrown out of the windo\v acoording to order„ as disfcurbers had ihe not done as order. ;

That three erows wcrr caught at- j tempting to ( e|plit the Hni Kalaiaina, and was| sat down on-by President R. W. Wilcox. As they weni away diigusted, one of them said. "I saw, we had no v ghost of a ehanee. so I tbought it wus healthy |to sit down ad ordered, and get out ! as soon as I could conveniently." '' | That oc»e of the little disturhe r rs was out,R]de of this Kalaiaina ifecctiog evoning bcforo.last, trying to inf3uence the white element from joining the Internātional League, but was qnietly told that the lattēr meanl- honest work, and they pro.to j®in, Powo with the Boodlers, who is evidently the kind classed as <l stxnkers "' -

That every Chioamaii jn the country find ifc pa,ys to sent for their full scrown boys, whieh rangss per femily, from dix and upwards. The applicatioQ for is mshing —Workingraen ; this pieee- of honest work on thē part of the advocates of thellaw to allow sueh a hole for theih to crawl, through, and flood the countiy with Asiatics. We ean see the leactar of both parti«s at the suceess of their work, and how the Mechanics and Hawaiiat»s were duped, yet such men, are uiad£ honorary members of the Mwhaijics' Uniop.