Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 313, 30 October 1891 — Page 4

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This text was transcribed by:  Maggie Butterfield
This work is dedicated to:  Awaiaulu


"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."




            John E. Bush.


Luna Hooponopono a me Puuku.


FRIDAY, OCT. 30, 1891.


            ELDER GEO. B. STARR, at Y.M. C. A. Hall, continue his readings o Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.




            The applicaton of the term “communism” to KA LEO,  bu the P. C. Adveriser, os to our mind not at all inappropriate; though it seems to be held up as a name that means all that is bad.  By applying the term to us as an epithet, meaning no doubt that we are advocating @@@ just dispostion of other peoples property and honest earnings., i.e. to take it from the rich and to distribute it among all classes alike, whether theu are deserving or not of an equal share of this world’s goods, palces the P. C. Advertiser and its patrona, the rich, as anti-communism.

            The meaning of the word as given in Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, is “a scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specificallu a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of propertu, as bu distributing all wealth equally to all, or by hokding all wealth in common for the equal use of and advantage of all.”

            We are in a sense thakful to the P. C. Advertiser, that it has according to its own notions placed us as a communist, and the P,C.A. and its patrons as anti-communists, in other words that we are in favor of the community and that it is in favor of a few individuals; that he prefers to   see all the world owned and subject to a few.  The Adv. is honest for once, in telling the truth, about himself and us, though perhaps without knowing just exactly where he was driving to.  The public, however, can vouch to the truth of the positions which it has been pleased to place itself and us.  We might rest our case here in the language of a pleader before a Court of Jurymen, and leave the case before the judgment of the People as Jurors.  But, like the honest advocate before Court, we propose having a good case against our anticommunistic friends to place them exactly where theu belong by their own admission by every argument and testimony that we can possibly bring against them as anti-communists, and what that means as applied to the commonwealth, to the well-being of all Gods creatures, whom He created to live as a community of brethren, eith one interst and to be shearers alike of all things in this world.

            In the beginning God intended his creatures to be communists, but Lucifer, a covering ange, and an inferior, possessed with arrogance and pride, desired to supplant his Masterm and arrogate to himself all things, contrary to the will of God who owned and created it.  For this piece of assumption the chief anti-communists, the attempted usurper was driven out of the @@@he was in and is now in an invisible shape in this world, working upon the mind of those whom he can, and impressing hos characteristics, upon them, one of which, is anti-communist.  God wishes us all to live gogether as brothers.  Satan was first to oppose this primary condition of man, and each have had his follower – viz – the true Christioan or communist, and the false Christian or anti-communist.  A true communist in an sense, according to the universal and correct meaning of the term, is one who is willing and is an advocate of equality among all men.  Take for instance the example set us by the Apostles of the Great Exampler.  They were communists in the trei sense of the word, and in accordance with what we are taught in the beginning as the true sphere of man and his descendants.  Take it either as taught by inspiration or by the order of nature it is the same thing.  The apostle and disciples as communists lived in common selling all they had and placing it in the hands of officers to be disposed for the best intersts of all.  This example should be a shining light to guide the perverted vision and understanding of our contemporary and the prossing Christioan belonging to its party.

            We are communists in the sense of equalizing the social conditions of life.  For this we are stigmatized in doggered verse, by those who are anti-equality.  Their whole life and the sudden accumalations of wealth which they have heaped around their itching ears are living evidences of what they are, and what we have shown them to be, for which they gap upon us with hearts and minds embittered like those anti-communists who opposed the truth when made manifest in the flesh, nineteen centuries ago, and who often no doubt feellike nailing us to a tree.

            Aside from the knowledge derived from the source of all knowledge and wisdom, let us see what the Constitution of Nations say.  “All men are born free and equal,” so they all say, and no truer or sounder principle can be laid down as chief corner-stone upon which a people can build their laws to govern themselves as a Nation.  And whence do we derive these fundamental principles?  We answer, - from the same source that we derive all our knowledge of all things, and from that text book whose teachings are being taught, by such men as inspire the P. C. Advetiser, as “cladhing symbal and sounding brass.”

            We could ring “communism” as an emblem of love, in a thousand different shapes, but of what avail, if they, whose desire to servemammon have grown cold and uncharitable like the young man, to whom the great fundamental principle of salvationa was told “go sell all thou hast and give to the poor.”  In this sense we are communists, and whenever our contemporary has arrived that knowledge which the all wise teacher telss the seeker after the true acme of one’s duty to one another we will merge our interwsts with the P.C.A. and patrons for the purpose of equalizing the intersts of the human family, as a community of communists.


                        The Political Pot.


Editor KA LEO  - I wish to refuta a falshood concerning mayself; contained in a cowardly attack published in the Evening Bulletin of the 28 th inst.

            The fact is, I never was voted down in an meeting of the Hui Kalaiaina, and I never have been, in anu meeting of my countrymen at any time or place.  I did not make any motion of any kind in the meeting referred to by the Bulletin.

            At the last Hui Kalaiaina meeting the President was conferred on me by a unanimous bote of the members which was entirely unexpected by me.  In the speech that I made on accepting the position I did not utter a word concerning Catholics, and I have never had any idea of mixing religion with politics.  I did make some remarks about a cerain crowd in the Mechanics’ Union who have gone about blowing that they carry the Catholic vote and clergy in their pokects for the next election.

            There ia a contemptible little clique in that orgainzation who have left the business of plastering and black=smithing for which they were intended by nature and become steet corner politicians.  Their sole aim is boodle.  They use every means to appear to possess influence with voters; that is thei stock-in-trade which they expect to make a profit out of.

            The real mechanics know this and refuse to be led by them, and it is to be hoped that, they will not long permit these characters to disgrace them by being in their organization.  But the public woll be glad to learn that the Hui Kalaina is now in the hands of better men, eo are not boodlers and who have never makde or expect to make money out of politics.

            The only satisfaction I can get out of the cowardly lying cur who wrote this attack in the Bulletin is to publicly refut it, since that class of hired scribblers have no sense of honor and are too low to be called on to give satisfaction after the manner of gentlemen in other countries.

            My contrymen know me well, and the best element of the foreigners are beginning to learn that I am not a fire-brand or a haole-hater as has been set forth by the Bulletin and Advertiser in a long series of malicious libels intended to injure my character.  Yours &e


Honolulu, Oct 29, 1891.


                        Stereopticon Views.


            “Mr. Hogan will give one of his grand stereopticon picturesque exhibitions here starting from New York to Ireland, England, Scotland, Paris, Switzerland, Italy, with Vesuvius in full commotion, with the destrction of Pompeii; Palestine and the Crucifixion of Christ; the Rio Grande, the Nationa Park, the Yosemite Valley, and the Hawaiian islands, showing the crater in course of eruption, which is really beautiful and enchanting.  This is the finest scenery ever placed upon canvas.

            “Mr. Hogan will give one of these grand exhibitions in the Y.M.C.A. Hall, on Saturday evening, October 31, which will consist of two parts, the latter part being for gentlemen only.  The first part will last one hour and a half; the latter part, which consists of fine statuary from the Vatican at Rome and the Museum of London, and phusical anatomy in healthy and diseased conditions, will last one half hour.

            “This will be one of the most beneficial and illustrated lectures a young man can attend.”


                        A FROZEN SPOT.


            For many years scientists have been perplexed over the phenomenon of a certain well at Yakutak, Siberia.  As long ago as 1828 a Russian merchant began to sink this noted well, and after working on it for three years, gave it up, having at that time sunk it to depth of thirty fee withou getting through the frozen ground.  He communicated these facts to the Russian Academy of Science, who sent men to take charge of the digging operations at the wonderful well.  These scientific gentlemen toiled away at their work for several years, but at last abandeoned it when a depth of three hundred and eighty-two feet had been reached, with the earth still frozen as hard as a rock.  In the 1844 the Academy had the temperature of the soil at the sides of the well taken at various depths.  From the data thus obtained, they came to the startling conclusion taht the ground was frozen to a depth exceeding six hundred feet.

            Although it is known to meterologists tha the pole of the lowest known temperatues is in that region of Siberia, it is conceded that not even that rigourous climate could force frost to such a great depth below the surface.  After figuring on the subject for over a quarter of a century, geologists have at last come to the conclusion that the frozen valley of the Lena River was deposited frozen just as it is found today, during the grat grinding-up era of the glacial epoch.  Mechanical News.


                        ON DIT.


            That we have yet to learn that the Catholics like to have their cause championed by an Orangeman or Blue Nosed Presbytatian.


            That a heavy Tac should be placed upon imported Professional Liars.  “Bulletin” “please” copy.


            That hireling “Editors” cannot throw dust in the eyes of the Peoples Party even though Lucky B. is expected to pungle.


            That some unsavory developments will be made, if a new trial is granted in the “Andrew” seduction case.


            That from Honolulu to the Pali, is 6 miles, and from the Pali to Honolulu nearly 7 ½ miles.  How is this explained.


            That he who solves this puzzle will be entitled to Dr. Hammond’s Epistle to the Hawaiian on what I have “learned in the Catholic Church.”  One at a time, please.


            That “Gangantua” and his party returned by the overland route.  That Hawaiiana men are the best stevedores in the world so saith foreign ship captains.


            That the canadian Lawyer once saved our Flag, and we hope he will be on hand to assist again.


            The Heoilko Party @@@@O.@@@ for thei down@@@ more O@@@ @@@ National R@@@@.


            That the greatest and most successful competitor in the field, a a land boomer and speculator, and one who even excels the famous Mr. Aehi and also the Railroa Magnate, is the eminent linguist and scholar Wm. Hammond.  Add to these the notorious mortagor and rice planter Mr. W. Ah Cee, and we have a full team or a full hand as some would better please to term them.    


            That a missing heifer that was hatched not long ago, will if it ever gets into A Lopezs hand’s bring by breeding a large fortune, to the inconsolable owner of the ungrateful little heifer.


            Platform of Principle of the HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY.




  1.  We deem that all Government should be founded on the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity; we hold that all men are born free and equal before the law and are endowed with inalienable rights to kife, to libery, to propertp, tp the pursuit of happiness and to self- protection against arbitrary concentraton of power, irresponsible wealth, and unfair competition.  We believe that just government exists only by the consent of the People. and that, when it becomes necessary for the public welfare, they may abolish existing forms and establish more advantageous and equitable system; and, as the presnt Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom never has had the approval of the People, but was established by intimidation and fraud for the benefit of a certain class, therefore, we favor the adoption of a new and more liberal Constitution, to truly secur a Government of the People, by the People and for the People.




  1.  Out of consideration for the inherent rights and present opinions of the native population, we dersire to retain the independence of the Country and defend its autonomy, under a liberal and popular form of government; but our Treaties with Foreign Powers, and Especially with the United States of America, should be revised, so as to better meet present mecessities  and to obtain more equitable advantages in exchange of those granted by us.



  1.  Our Judiciary system and Code of Procedure must be submitted to a thorough revision, so as to secure a cheap and prompt administration of justice, free of all sectarian or patisna spirit, and to render the Judges more directly responsible to the People; and we are in favor of a more liberal interretation of Constitutional guarantees of the freedom o speech and the press.



  1.  A more just and perfect system of Taxation must be inaugulated, to abolish the present inequaltities, by which the property of the pooris excessively taxed, while much of the rich man’s goods are under-valued for assessment or entirely escape taxation; we shall therefore demand the passage of laws that will more effectually subject the property of corporations and rich citizens to their just proportion of public burdens, while granting more liberal exemptions to the poor;  and as a means of discouraging the locking up of large tracts of uncultivated lands, a differential tax should be levied in addition to the usual @@@@ment on vlauationa which should be in proportion to the fertility of the soil.  We shall also favor the establishment of a graduated income tax, and thus expect to obtain ample funds for conducting the government and attending to all necessary public improvements without any further call on the masses.






  1.  We shall use our efforts to obtain laws by which all favoritism in the government and all monopolies, iruate and privileges to special claimes shall be rendered impossible, by full, definition and mandatory statutes.