Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 313, 30 October 1891 — The Politieal Pot. [ARTICLE]

The Politieal Pot.

,K<lit'T K.\ — I vvks!» futi> u «'»iiv-t'rfiina m;»vst'lf; 'Oiit;;in»'(l iu a cowMr<Uy aitaok

publiehed m ihe E'?eniiig BnlMin The &et is, I neyer was voted down in any meeting of the Hui Kalaiaina, smd'l never have been, in any meetipg of my countrymen atanytimeor plaee. I did mat make any motion of any kind in the m«Bting referred to by the Bulldan. ' * At the last Hui Kalaiaina meeting th<? President was conferred on me by a unanimoue vote of the meaibers whieh wag «ntirely unexpected by me. In the āpeeeh thiat I made ōa accepting the positi®n I dfd not utter a word eoneemitig CatM£cs, and I have never had any idea of mixing relipion with polHieā. I did make some re* marks about & certam crowd in the Meehafcics' Union who have gone Catholiq vote and clergy in their pokects for the next election. There is a contemptible little elique in that organization who have left the business of plastering and black-smithiiig for whieh they were intended by nature and become street * corner politicians. Their sole aim is boodle. They use every means to appear to possess influenee with voters; tha! is their stock-in-trade whieh they expect to make a prdfit out of. The real mechanics know this | and refuse to be led % them, and | it is to be hoped that, they will not | long permit these characters to disgrace them by being in their organization. But the puhlie will be glad to learn that the Hui Kalaina is how in the hands of better men, who ate' not boodlers and who l&ve never made or expect to make money out of politics. The only satis(faction. i ean get out of the cowardly lving cur who wrotc this attack in the" Bullfetin is to publicly refute it, since that class of hired scribblers have no sense of honor and are too low to be called on to give satisfaction after the manner of gentlemen in othercoun- i tries. I My countrymen know me well, | and the best element of tbe for- j eigners aresbeginning to leam that, I am not a-friibr#nd-or& as has been set forth by ihe Bulle» tin aad Advertiser in a long series | of maliciou.s libels intended to in-1 jure my character Yours &c. R. W. Wu.cox. Honcdulu, Oct. >29, 1891.