Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 313, 30 October 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That we ha\je yet to, learn that | the Oiitholics | like to have their | ca«se chatnpioned by an Orangeman or Blue Nosed Presbytarian. | That a heavy Tax should. -be pluced upon imported Professional LiartJ. p# |*Bulletin" ,l please" :-copy- ! v , That hireliiig * k Editors" caaiiot throw duet in the eyes of the Peoplee Party even thcfugh Lucky B. is exP< cted to pungle. That soaie unsavory developments will be made, if a new trial i» grantei in the k 'Andrew J ' seduction cftBe r • That |rom Honoluiu to the Pali, is mile8 t fW«n the Pali to Honolulu neaifly 7 \ niile«?. How 18 this explaini\l. That he who »olves this puzxie wili be eotitled i<> l)r HTaminond"a Epist!e to the H&waiiaa ou wlial I have 'iearned m the Cathohc Ohuwh." One at a time, p!oase. That ,% (jianj^ant.ua >% .aiul hisparty returued by ihue ovorj»iu] route. That Hawniian mrn nre the hi*i?t stevodorcs in Mie xrnrld ?o «iith fcreign «sbip ciptain>. i That liu' oanodv\n Lawyer unoi' our Flng ? and wehopehowill A*c on.hnnd t.o I . .

eeiM i» tte a lam&heosn&e m*ā ma& ooe who o¥eft ess£s ihe Mr. Aehi and alao tbe Baiīīroad Magaate, is the eminent lmgiiist and seholar Wm. Hammond. Add to these the notorious raortgagor and rice planter Mr W. Ah Cee. |uid we have a fall %eam ( or a fall hliid as some womd bētter please to term them. That a. missing heifer that was hatched not long ago,wil! ifit ever iffto A httTlff W breeding a large fort«»e t to the ineoaeolaMe owner oi t,hat upgratefnl little heifer.