Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 315, 3 November 1891 — ON DIT [ARTICLE]


That therc is great dissati6factioti the Hawaiian» on accovutt of t!ie eha nges that are taking phiee among the of*R'erB of the Hui Khlaiaina. lt is said tl)ut some of the childron of the Mother Ohuri;h are at the )>ottoiu of it.

That owmg to Uw position tbafe Hon. C. Rrowu, took Agaiust the Hawaii;ms aml favor of Ui<; Chioese purehns< % r$ of ihe Auupuaa of Ka&laea, hi® pfosp«ote for»eleotron haa beeo renderd to nil <|uito doubtfuL

Phnī a <u>m B|K>nd«int tVoiii t\tiolau roporto that Uie natives being.coachcd to acc«pfc i|r. U Kaulakou as thei? Represeni»tive for the eoniinp Heotiou. but to «o purj>o6e. We are sorry for the gon« ileman, he has talents. whieh, }fpiopei'lv dirocte<l woulil uiakelam % ti«*ofu! nvaiNr atrv»ng hi? own p;v>r.k\ ;

That her Majesty tbe Qnēea Dowager feas assiimed the ment of her own affairß, from per agent, until ehe- eaa appoint ;andser;-^;^ That a theo|logian was fired at hy a Pr»nee, because Derhaps the former was firing of his spleen at his fellow theo]ogians.

* That Mr. D. M. Crowley has received the nomination for Representative for Waimea, Kauai, at a meeting of a Committee' of twelve of the People, he receiving* eleven of t.he number in his favor.