Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 317, 5 November 1891 — Party Dissensions Seem to be in Season. [ARTICLE]

Party Dissensions Seem to be in Season.

It is eommon talk at the Clubs, that our Minister at Washington, Hon. H. A. P. Carter. requestfcd th;itihe government send Mr. Frank Hastings to relieve him. pro ■On the reception of this nUimalum, to use a diplomatic term, from His Kv<*eliency, the Honorable H. A. P. (' irter, it was taken into favorable <?0!Hlilion by theHawaiian Govern" munt, and everything ran along as s mooth aiul as merry as at a marriaue feast. There were no dissent*ions at first t and it was agreed tliat the late U. ■ S. Vice ('onsul, hiiould go to Washlngton to run: the affairs of his own mother eoun-! try, and that of his adppted. How | soioeth and how very niee this se-| i<*;tion would have beeu, to look j after the interests of the people ofi ! r.twaii, we leavc to the mind of onr j j\ siders. As the day of departure,i nnwever, drew nigh, a bank influ- j ' :u;e waß brought to bare in favor j > .l sending Hon. .1 Mott Smith, who | *y:ik eventuaUy send to Washing- ! tou, to fill the position pro. tem. unlessMr. Carter's death should be UaHtc*ned through such disregard and disrespect. The result of this": iu»n - acquiescence to Mr. (•a'i"ter"s \ v modest request, is bad-blood. between 0. B, Co. aild li. Co. We feel a svtni>athy for Mr. Carter, knowing that <lictatorial <li>poß!tion, eannol well brood this oiheial snub, snd int*»rference on tUv part ot a bank. On the other haud it uppears only just to Mr. Sruith that lu; should be *is \\w succeßtNor to tlie |>osition at \Vashiuj»tou, froni havin>£ «rrved i' »r a liuie * omnii*sionor witii : t;ie Minwter, aud ;u; bciug tW. • bot--1 er man in t har an<l otiu*r t-> U* trust(Hl with thv Mis>i:,!». v»ui- - .«i«* of a pufe Ha\v:nlan. ir ono oan.lH? fouud who wj)i 'aecept thc appointment. W'e are sorry that our esteemed

twoziBman is belsg befoo!ed by mm 11 ia&am»* ta him as m Mr. līAstiiigs woald make aii excelleiit to England' or to sorate olher couDtry except his tnothdr eoimtry.