Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 318, 6 November 1891 — A PORTRAIT OF SOME OF OUR MEN. [ARTICLE]


'>So is he thu,t luyeth up tre>as\xi'o for himself, and is not rich towards Go(J." Luke 15:2]. < Ah! What sound was that? Jußt the slamming of that brok«n, sagging blmdl I'd a!most pay the price of a new one» rather than s«stain such anotber fright! But see these shining beauties! They s~e all inine, niine, mine! Ah, yes, mine. mine! Wou by davg of toil and sleepless nights, But here they ure! - Ah, to spread tiiem out upon this creaky o)d table, more than makes amends for ali tbis so l; tud« and squalor . James 5:o Ah* yes, I know l' m grow;ng old. \V hat will become of it then ? \Vhose handB will untie these wftil-filled bags, whos€* oyes beboid the ; r ehining contents? P5.39:6. Ah, t®o b&d! too !md! [ oan take none of-.it along! In the costly sbroud, whicb i fear some of the§e beauties wiil go to buy, there is said to be no poeket. 0, life, life, lifei What a great thing it is to iive, lo gather together such as these! O, tbai I had one more life, Fdgivethat too! But after thie life> what? I dare not hope tor nnieh beyond. AU my energies. hopes T ambitīons, aiuis have- bwu s\vailowetl up in the objeet, g«ttiusr gain. Ps. 52:7. The tbree-score year» and t«n ai !oted man on esrth, are reached. and past, by teu year» more, and not a ehiek or ehUd*have 1 to love f'm ali alone in tbi® great world. so uwly lost! (V that bliiv«! «guin t How the wind

l:awls by! 'Tis growing dark, gti!l darker! Oh coald I but afford h light to drive away this thickening gīoon-i, and me but a lon.qer time to feasi> my 6yes upon this treasure! But then, ? tis jastas perhaps. for othier eyes than min^,. might gaze frop out yon darkness, a:id wrest from|me, soiiiefated hour, my goodly store. Ah! these anxious days, thcse nights of terror! Eeel. 5:12. I fear the present, I dread the future! With all these riches what might ; I have donet i But now, too latel ■ too late! Matt. 25:18i I know the day is coming that shall burn as an oven! Whkt then, what then? , Eze. 7:19. 1 The blinds Baps again, he heeds it not! jHe is answering the summons of tlie deāth angel at the door! A film ;is spreading across his sight; nis breath grows heavy now fkint, still fainter. His whitened h§ad f;ills upow his oniaciated arms, hovering, as it were, over the scattered coins of precious metal his heart has cea?ed to act; his breath goes forth; the man is dead! Mark. 8:36,37. M. B. D.