Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 325, 17 November 1891 — New Hawaiian Postage. [ARTICLE]

New Hawaiian Postage.

We «re kiwdty r«faneriibeml by Ur. Wfliter Hill, vrith aauiple iwoeenl Ilawaiian Stumpß, for whk'h we tende? cmr thanks. The 3tawjv is rather u pretty one with the butst of a Hawaiian lady, and a f<K?e reseinbiiDg very maoh the vather pretty Cartwrjght. We are noL however, whose features it is intor»de<{ to represeiit. i āh it reseuibles so mueli the above nientioned lady. who is a relation of tho present royal f*tmi]y, we oongratiiiate Mr.vMill in hin ehoiee and tbe good sense he has dieplayed m aelecting un ottiactive eountenance for a Htainp' frora auiont; Ihe remaining OhietV. Pnnee Kunu'aKea has yet to he honomuand as a decendani dUeei. fro»i Kaniehameha tfye t onqueror, we hope the Poettuaster may. :n iB6uing a new postage stamp, remember the Prince. Whv> but the P. M. (i. in doing s> uiav be honoring a mt«ro $ovomisn — King or Fresidenl.