Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 326, 18 November 1891 — Very Interesting. [ARTICLE]

Very Interesting.

The followiu2 convcrgation k>ok plaee bctweou eouaiaa, whieh, moro thati anythiug will & guod picture of thō nntnrcv oharracteristic, and peculinritits of ik>litical life, as in here. 11 wil! :tl»o go to how BQen in our commuiiity. who arpj otherwi9e hoii(»rab]e and ait» * led by self-intGmst to ilicir eyes ti) the inipurities of j)<>!itics and the baser niesns emp?oyed to ohlain their aims through the poHt,ical machinery of thecoun» trv. lst $peūker. Cousirw Char}oy Northwest, I h*ive just dropped in to see vou. and talk matters over, and understand wh»t is your yiew ofthe situatioo. Tt is orident to all, tlmt we must do $oin«thing j U> protetit our inter?st. The t ft)ture caropaign is fraught with disaster if we do not suoceed in prevcntih£ Ute Natioualist« fw>t«oarrying tbo eleeūona. Our *übterfugss, «dv«iK*ti ah reafwv!is, are under- j

stood, and will not pass this -time. Theōld:game, of buying op a few Af these boodlers, is theonly ehanee >e have 6f securing men euppoei otir cause, and defend it, right o? wrong. You say,- you are negotiatf ing with one of them, who was in the Legis!ature last time, and who was well kept with the ehink. My dear Chas, you know how that fellow acted ? Se played with both parties, and you must be vers ' ful of that olass. These boss ffeHows are slippery as B.n eel, and whon yau do put your finger on their ?Aimy wiggling bodies they are bound to get you covered with alime and nip you at the same time. 2nd Speaker. WeJl, Cousin Oha: teau you ought to be an adept in these matters. You have been in the businesß a long time. You know human nature pretty well. Your profession calls. upon you to lie, to steal, and murder, that ia. to defend those who do t,hese things. I must acknowledge, when I look back, I do detect a want of honesty in the boodlers. I did think that as they used up a lot ōf the ready, that they would stand by us. Well, what else ean we do ? ī have some interest over my man* and I thing he is all right; to be gure he saws all to pieees when he comes to see me, and he seizēs me and seesaws me like a pieee 5f lumbēr if I don't pony up like a saw horse. I know we are expected to be seesawed, but we must take thecfeiances. See him as he is going ifr like vermillion s and tbose others you see afe his followers. : You ean ,forxn an idea what a power he is ameng the nieehāniea, and as he is up sīreet, by the time he reachcs the Northwest corner of i Hotcl and Fort Street, he has a regiment after him. I seo this |every day, and 1 ani satiefied, that [ though swiHing is opposed by us. i yet for onr interests we muet be patient and tolerate the connection. lst Speafar. (Cfesteau.) Mv dear» Northwest, we have a great deal to contend with. There these men whom you have in view^ are those fellows wlio control ihe petji)le. .who havo made up their i minds no more to be bull-dozed; or | to telerate apy boodle businsss. or j What ! we are gsing, to eome to. ī 'am at loss to under* j stand. !